Chapter Four

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Chapter Four of Drummers Against Guitarists

Everything was dark in Paul's world. All dark, dark as the pitch black night.Lastly what he remembered is that he was sitting at a desk writing something. For he did not notice the sudden surprise attack that came against as he stood up. When he did, the last he saw was Ringo pointing a butt of a gun at him, and blood splattered everywhere.In which was ; his own blood.

Paul awoke from his dark slumber, but the consciousness was terrible.He awoke, but with his eyes still closed. He then felt a sting of pain bleeding from his shoulder, and another on his spine.

He felt something odd, as if something was taken from him.But when he moved his arms, he could not move them. His arms were tied behind him. Paul snapped his eyes wide open, but everything was a blur. His entire vision was blurry, and he could hardly make out anything that was in front of him.

He realized he was lying on his side, for he could he see blurriness just on the horizon. Paul turned his head just a few inches to see what was ahead of him. What he saw was a short black figure walking towards him, and the figure looked like it was holding something silver, and red.

Paul, who began to realize who he was seeing, immediately tried to shift his body just away from the figure that walked towards him. He realized the figure quite well.

He figure he was looking was Ringo. The short drummer was holding a bloodied silver dagger-like weapon in his left hand. Paul's eye widen as as he came closer, and closer, and farther and farther Paul tried to scoot away.

Paul croaked out,''Ringo...''

Ringo smirked as he planted his right foot on Paul's right calf, keeping him moving.

''Had a nice nap, Sleeping Beauty?'' the sadistic drummer cooed. ''Now that you are awake, get ready to have fun.''

''Rings..wh-what has gotten into you?'' Paul pleaded.

Ringo scowled.''Oh, I'll tell you what has gotten into me,''  ''your little bed buddy John, thought it was funny to insert his member into me while you were asleep.''he chided.

''John...!?'' Paul croaked out. ''How could he...?!'' But Ringo planted his foot onto Paul's side of his neck, keeping him from speaking.

''Oh, how could he?!'' Ringo shouted.

''Oh let's just say could I do this?'' Ringo immediately took a full grip on his hidden dagger, and he stabbed Paul on the side of his chest.

The bassist let out a scream of pain and fear as the sadistic drummer laughed with pure evil, retracting the blade again, he entered it down into Paul's arm. The bassist let out a louder scream of pain as his own blood came screaming out of his body.

Ringo crackled as retracted the blade once more, then as blood dribbled down the blade, the sadistic drummer stabbed the blade several times around on Paul's body.

''STOP!''Paul begged.

By now, Ringo stopped as he was fully satisfied with what he has done.Ringo crackled, ''By now you know what pain felt like for me.'' ''Now get ready for the main course Princess!''

Ringo swiped down Paul's bloody trousers to show his still untouched and irresistibly smooth bottom.

Ringo licked his lips and rubbed the palms of his hands as he looked at this gorgeous sight. Paul just cried as he felt the cold wind stroke his bottom. When turned his head away from the torture he was about to receive, he looked at the door. Behind the door window curtains, he noticed two silhouettes talking with their voices that cannot be heard behind the door.

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