Chapter Three

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Days after John had done the unthinkable to Ringo, Ringo as soon after he was raped, came up with plots to destroy John and every single guitarist that was like him. So far, no one figured out what happened between John and Ringo, not even Brian or George. Plus Paul, who was asleep during the time of it.

During those days, Ringo kept his distance away from John, while the witty guitarist was off with Paul. Ringo was either by himself or taking walks with George. Whenever he was by himself, the drummer could still remember the pain he endured. All the harmful words John spat in his face.

''Listen, if you just tell anyone, anyone, even Brian, I will make your life miserable!''

Ringo couldn't stand it. He instead blocked the evil memory with a thought of himself whipping a chained, naked John.

Oh, what a joy that would be to happen. How sweet the sight of revenge would be.

 Right now, Ringo was alone at home, Brian was doing things at the studio, John and Paul were off somewhere, and George, who knows where he was.

The drummer thought it was the perfect time to get where he needed.

Ringo quickly stepped out of the house, he looked both ways, then he securely locked the door. He walked down the pathway from the house, but before he left through the gate, adjusted the red scarf around his neck pulling it up to his chin. He then pulled the cap he wore on his head to shield his blue eyes.

He shut the gate, proceeding on to his path.

Among the people he walked through, none were able to notice him, as he just walked. And unknown to them, the drummer still carried the same gun he used to shoot the large man. Then he walked through a throng of women, goodness, Ringo had always hated women from the start. Their disgusting perfume and the little demons they call pets. Ringo shrugged it off as he passed by.

More than thirty minutes later, after he walked less than three blocks to where he was going, he finally got to his destination. It was in a rather slum part of London, possibly the same place where Ringo ran to get away from those two goons. Some buildings where infested with chipping paint, graffiti, and boarded-up windows. Around, were some men, a few years older than the drummer, and there some poor children. The children were either playing around on old tires and some were playing on metal barrels.

Smoke was coming from the chimneys, women were hanging old clothing on wires that hung from one wall to another.

Ringo took a pit of breath before he took a right to where he was going. Where he was going, was to a man that dealt how to exact revenge. The drummer thought he was the perfect man to see face to face with. From among the neighborhood, the drummer heard tales of how people were to receive their revenge with tools that were given by him. People wanted revenge for things such as blackmail, betrayal, and people like Ringo, rape.

With help from this man, Ringo was about to get what he wanted. John is going to pay. The good-for-nothing witty guitarist was about to get what he deserved for raping him. And for all of the guitarists that don't respect their drummers.

Ringo stopped in front of a dead-end alley, an alley that was dark at the end, and there were two men only a few inches taller than him. The drummer took a deep breath before walking down to the end. With a few small steps, he stopped in front of the two men, one on the right raised his brow at him.

The one on the left asked, ''What is your business?''

''I am here to the man that deals with revenge.'' the drummer replied.

The right man smirked, ''You dare wish to see him?''

''Of course, I am in dear need of revenge.'' the drummer said.

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