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Not a lot of people read the last chapter...😕
Currently listening to Luv Is Rage 2💞🤕

Jace Jackson's POV

I walked inside telling myself that I wouldn't cry like a little baby in front of my daughter but I couldn't help it.

"How was it?"
Jazz asked me.

I instantly started crying AGAIN.

"She's moving in with him."
I said quietly while I stared at the floor.

"AW HELL NO! I needs to call his dumbass."
She said.

"Don't. Don't ruin they (i said "they" on purpose) happy family."
I said.

"And what about the happy family she ruined?"
Jazz questioned.

"It's not her fault. It's me. Something is wrong with me. I can't keep love at all. First Aiden, now Symere."
I cried.

"No, it's not. It's not you ok? They was jus stupid dumb to lose you."
Jazz said while rubbing my back.

"It's just me and my daughter now. Ain't no man in this family picture. Just me and her."
I said while looking at Dajha peacefully sleeping.

The ringing of my phone, caused me to snap out of my thoughts.

I looked at the caller ID and it said "My Life💕💍".

I guess I gotta change that.

This was the 17th time Symere called after what had happened today.
And for the 17th time, I didn't pick up. Why would I? To hear him apologize again, and not just any apology, an apology to fill the formalities of cheating.


Jace Jackson's POV

I picked up a crying Dajha.

"Shhh, baby girl."
I said to her as she kept crying.

"What's wrong with her?"
Jazz walked into the room.

"I don't know. She been very fussy lately. She's turning one next week though!!"
I said.

"One already?"
Jazz asked surprised.

"Yeah. Time flies."
I said.

"Mane, I swear it was just yesterday when she was born."
Jazz said.

"I know right. My baby is growing fast."
I said.

I still lived with Jazz but I am going to move out soon since I got money saved. I work at Walmart. 9 AM to 3 PM.

Jazz looks after Dajha when I am at work since she goes to work at 5 PM to 11 PM.

I hand Dajha to Jazz so I can leave but Dajha doesn't want me to.

She cried.

"Baby I'll be back in a few hours. I don't wanna leave but I gotta get money for us."
I told her.

She was a very smart girl and it scared me that she can say things and she's only one.

"Yes, baby money."
I said.

She couldn't say full words but I understood her clearly.

"Be good for auntie J."
I told her while I planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Thanks, Jazz!"
I said before walking out.


"Have a good rest of your day."
I said with a smile.

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