Chapter 3

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Dedicated to foreveralone1992
A/n: Sorry for not publishing in a while y'all! I've been in buetiful Italy🇮🇹 The colors of the Italian flag represent: Draco/Slytherin on one side, Hermione/gryffindor on the other, and in the middle, the empty, endless barrier between them, that everyone wishes would just DISAPPEAR ALREADY so our beautiful ship can be canon, amirite? Let's get on with the fic now...

In the Gryffindor common room, Harry and Ron sat in the squashy red armchairs by the fire. They were having a rather pointless discussion about teaspoons and flobberworms when Hermione came down the stairs from the girls' dorm, looking rather pleased with herself.

"Hermione!" Harry and Ron practically jumped out of their chairs. "What the hell did you think you were doing, fraternizing with the ferret in Charms class?" Ron bellowed. Hermione settled into a chair. "Relax," She placated. "I've just got the feeling that he's not as bad as he acts."
"Are you bloody kidding me-" Ron started to yell, but Harry cut him off. "What he means to say, Mione, is that Malfoy's been absolutely horrible to us since we even came to Hogwarts!"
"I know this sounds mad, but maybe...
Maybe he's just lonely. Insecure. Misunderstood. And maybe...just MAYBE I can relate to that a bit," Hermione blurted out, surprised at how much of her inner thoughts she had just revealed. Blushing, she fell silent as the boys lowkey freaked out. Ron was muttering something about betrayal, but Harry was at least trying to understand her. He pulled her aside for a moment as Ron smoldered in surly silence.

"Look, Mione, give Malfoy a chance if you want to. Whatever makes you happy. I just don't want you to get hurt-" Hermione pulled him into a hug before he could finish his sentence. "Thank you" she whispered into his shoulder, before pulling away and heading off to go study.

Hermione was rewriting her schedule to make it neater, when something in the corner of the original copy caught her eye. It was a tiny heart, written in emerald-colored ink. Heart pounding, she peered closer at the tiny letters inside the heart.


A/n: Sorry about the short chapter, but OOH, what a ship❤️

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