Chapter 5

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Draco hoped that she had found his little note on her schedule by now. Knowing Hermione, she'd checked it at least five times by now. Classic, overachieving Granger. Draco smiled to himself. He couldn't wait to see that little nerd again. He'd just have to "accidentally" bump into her at breakfast...

Hermione hadn't been able to sleep the previous night. She couldn't stop thinking about that note on her schedule. The emerald was all too familiar. She never would have thought that Draco Malfoy, notorious Slytherin baddie, would have such a soft side. It was even more implausible that he would show it to her, of all people. Hermione was seriously dumbfounded by all of this, but the one thing that she really couldn't believe was that she was actually...kind of...falling for-

"HERMIONE!"Ginny shouted. "We're supposed to be studying-" she stopped when she saw her friend's face. "What's on your mind? Only something of epic proportions could distract Hermione Granger from her studies..."

"Oh, it's nothing really." Hermione blushed. "Puh-lease!" Ginny exclaimed. "I know you better than that, 'Mione. Come on, you can trust me! Oh wait..." A grin of understanding gradually crept across Ginny's face. "I saw you talking to Malfoy at breakfast this morning-you couldn't stop smiling! Don't tell me you're actually into him?!"

"Well, I have several reasons, actually, and it's quite logical and it all makes perfect sense..." Hermione trailed off as her pretty face turned as red as Neville's Remembrall. To her surprise, Ginny actually smiled, hugged her and said, "Relax, 'Mione! Your secret's safe with me. Although, it might not be secret much longer, judging by the way you two keep acting around each other..."

After Ginny had left, Hermione sat alone on her bed. She pulled out the schedule, and found that the message had changed - it now read:

Meet me by the lake at 10 p.m. tomorrow


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