Chapter 16

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After yesterday, I had done a lot of thinking. And I mean a lot. More on where my new found friendships stood. Niall made a silly excuse to escape the awkwardness that littered the air. I was thinking along the lines of 'what if?' or 'would they?

What if Niall betrayed my trust and went to tell everyone?

If I was in desperate need for one of my friends, would they be there for me?

I didn't understand why I was thinking those thoughts, but suddenly it was as if I had slipped into a state of denial and regret. As if my friends weren't really my friends, and my new life was nothing but a lie. However I had suspected that maybe I was being paranoid because I had entered a time in my life where my family wasn't the only one I had that I could trust. Dismissing my thoughts, I had decided to cal up my boyfriend, just for the sake of calling him, because I just wanted to hear his voice.

The next day, I was taking everything easy at home since it was results day for my year, which meant we only had to go in at around 1pm to go get our results. I had taken the suddenly random thought that I tended to eat a whole lot of fattening foods when I was by myself, which was strange of me since I had only started this strange craving since I arrived in England.

Sacari was at work, and I was bored out of my mind that 10am morning.

I wanted the rest of the girls to come over, because it was just Jade and I that morning, but they seemed to be busy a lot, so I didn't want to bother.

Then an idea popped into my head, which lead me to dialed the familiar number.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey." I grinned.

"Frankie?  Whats up?" His reply lead to a chorus of hushed laughs and whispers in the background, which lead me to ask think of all the places he could be.

"Do you want to hang out until results hour, I'm so bored and I miss you." I asked, pouting my lip even though he couldn't see me.

"Wish I could, but I'm with the boys and I can't just leave em'." He replied, rather . . . coldly to be honest.

"Tell them to come. The more, the merrier. It's just me and Jade here at the minute."

He paused and sighed a bit and told me to 'hold on', which lead to even more murmuring. 

"Okay, we're at mine,  so we'll be over in 5." he said after a few seconds.

"Alright, bye."

"Bye" he ended and cut the call.

"So Zayn and the boys are coming over in a few." I announced to Jade when she finally came out of the washroom.

She nodded with a small smile, which made me remember a few details from a discovery I made earlier on.

"So . . . Louis huh?" 

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