Chapter 26

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"Thank you so much. Merry Christmas." I said thanking the deliverer.

"Your welcome miss, Merry Christmas." He replied and went off.

It was the 22nd, which meant a few of my Christmas shopping had arrived, and the rest came in tomorrow. I put the crutches under my armpit and gripped the bags along with it, limping to my room. It took time, but finally I got there. I set the stuff in my room before locking my door, and then proceeding downstairs. I know how Sacari is, if she sees a present, hers or not, she would open them. 

I went  back down again, to the almost empty living room, then it hit me. 

We didn't have a tree. 

I faceplamed and groaned. 

What the fuck? How could we not notice that there was no fucking  Christmas Tree. 

"Sacari?!" I yelled for her around the house.

"What?" She replied.

"Come here for a minute!" I said back. 

Minutes later she came, down the stairs. 

"What did you want?" she asked.

"Have you noticed something about the living room?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

She shrugged. "No." 

"It's something missing. Without it there, Christmas doesn't exist in our house." I asked dropping more hints.

She gave me a look as if I had grown another head.

"A tree Cari, we forgot to put up a Christmas tree." I deadpanned.

Her eyes went wide and scanned the living room in horror.

"How could we forget a tree?!" She yelled in disappointment at her self. 

"Do you think we can look for one now?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's a gr- WAIT, I still have my tree and decorations from last year in the basement. I'll just go get them quickly." 

She said and run to the basement. 

I chuckled and watched as she panicked all the way down. I turned and hopped to the stereo. I put in some nice Christmas tunes, and then hopped all the way to my art room, I picked up the drawing I was getting for Zayn, and a few more papers. 

I realized that I'd been drawing way to many pictures of him. So why not put all of them into one little scrapbook and give it to him. Yeah that's a great idea. I took my pencils, and colours, and the papers. I put it all into one basket, and hopped back into the living room.

I set the basket on the sofa, and put my crutches on the side, before I sat down on the white fluffy carpeted floor, and took out some of my pencils and paper.

Just then Sacari came in, dragging some big ass tree behind her. She dropped it and then race back down the basement. A few minutes later, she came back with a big box of decorations inside it. 

She set the stuff down, and lifted up the tree and put it on its stand.

"Are you helping?" She asked me.

"I'll help you sort out the decorations. I can't really stand, or move without my crutches. I'd fall or something." I said to her.

She nodded her head, and handed me box telling me how to sort them. Sort the colours differently, sort the sparkly once differently, sort the bows differently, and sort the glass stuff differently.

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