Mysterious Laser Red

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  Toris sat in the car as his parents pulled up to the gates of Pinpoint, Illinois, home of the Deep Regrets.
  "Goodbye!" Toris' mother wrapped her son in a huge bear hug.
  "Don't forget to write," cooed his father.
The boy took a breath and entered, it was better this way, no one would no this way, it was the start of a new life this way. Yay.

  Toris walked to his new home. A young, beautiful, stunning, gorgeous girl opened the door.
  "What do you want you little sh*t?" She asked. Ah, how graceful.
  "I the new worker." The boy sighed.
  "Big brother, the guy's here!" A large and terrifying man a couple years his senior opened the door.
"Come this way."he led him to his room.
  "You should go exploring, the school year's about to start, you won't get the chance later." The man walked off.

  Toris took the man's advice. Ivan, his name was Ivan. Anyway, Toris went out to town. Not really town but the area around where all the buildings were concentrated. Along the way he passed a quaint little ranch.
  "WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-" Toris screamed as a net was thrown over his head.
  "Ha! Got you now! You're not going to steal anymore of our horses when we're done with you!" someone screamed, the scream seemed to come from the bush.
  Toris let out a high-pitched and terrifyed scream.
  "Lol you scream like a girl, Alfred!" The bush laughed.
  "Who the heck of heck is Alfred?" Toris yelped.
  "Wait, who are you?" The bush shook and a boy (a girl maybe?) appeared from the foilege.
  "I-I am so s-sorry..." The bush boy stuttered as he brushed the rope off the boy.
  "Oh, it's um, it's fine." Toris replied.
  "My name's Toris, I assume you have a name?"
  "Oh, it's.." the boy twiddled his thumb, "Feliks."

  Later that night Toris was cooking dinner for the household as Ivan's older sister Katerina came in.
  "Here, let me help you," she started chopping some vegetables.
  "Oh thanks," Toris replied.
  "How was your day?" She asked.
  "Good, except for the fact that I got caught in a net for something I didn't do, but other than that I had a good day." He replied.
  "Yeah, that happens alot around here, but you'll soon get over it." The girl replied.
"Wait, who threw the net over you?"
  "Oh, a kid named Feliks, he seemed upset at himself for catching me." Toris sighed.
  "Oh, that guy, I think he's in your grade actually." The girl kept chopping vegetables.
  "Oh, I'll keep that in mind." Toris smiled.

Let Me Call You TolysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora