Black, Just Like All My Shirts in Seventh Grade.

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"You missed a spot." Eduard said, gesturing to the bookshelf.
"You missed a spot." Tolys mocked.
Kat ran around the house, snatching the keys from a nearby coffee table.
"Natalya, Eduard, Raivis, Tolys! It's 7:30! Natalya if you still want time to print that thing out we need to move!" She then proceeded to trip, get back up again. She held the door open, gesturing to the white van parked in the driveway, "Move move move! We have -6 seconds!"
Tolys and all the other human inhabitants of the house besides Ivan raced to the car, Natalya snagging shot gun before sticking her tongue out to mock the boys.
"That's not fair! Ms. Natalya you always get shotgun!" Raivis whined while buckling himself in.
"I could always shoot you with a shotgun." She said.
"Uh, no thank you."


Tolys stepped out of the car to face the early December chill, his boot hitting the ground with a crunch. Early December was always something. Everyone's fuss over the Holidays was intensified ten fold now that Thanksgiving has gone and passed. Tolys wondered if he would be able to see his family for Christmas, he wasn't able to see them for Thanksgiving. It probably would have hurt less if it was Ivan preventing him from going, but no, his parents had decided that he was to stay in Pinpoint. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt arms around his shoulders.
"Heyyyyyyyy!" Feliks purred.
Tolys jumped, "Hi Feliks."
"Don't just stand our there you're going to freeze!" Feliks grabbed his wrist and dragged him inside.


People were whispering in first period. Tolys couldn't help but get curious, he wasn't one to gossip but he couldn't focus with all the secrets being spread around him.
Tolys leaned over to the seat next to him, "Eduard?"
"Yes?" the younger boy perked up from his work, visibly agitated.
"Do you know what everyone's whispering about?"
"Alfred's Christmas party, duh."
"Duh? Why duh?"
"People have been talking about it since the week began, it's kind of a big deal. Alfred--- and Matthew I guess since he lives there - have been doing it since eighth grade. It's kind of become a tradition. Did no one tell you?"
Tolys felt his face heat up, was he that stupid or did no one actually tell him? Surely Liz would have told him, maybe even Gilbert, but then again, Elizabeta had been busy setting up for a fashion show for historical fashion club. Gil hadn't been busy, just avoiding him. Feliks would have told him though, in his own words they were "Super duper bff bros." The fact that Feliks would with hold important information from him kind of, also in Feliks' own words, "like, pissed [him] the fuck off."


Tolys approached Feliks' at the lunch table, "Why didn't you tell me about Alfred's party?"
Feliks momentarily choked on his drink. "Excuse me?"
Tolys blushed, did he do something wrong? Had he gotten the conversation mixed up? "Y-you know, the holiday party...." Tolys' voice trailed off on the last syllable.
"Oh yeah." Feliks said, "That one. I don't usually go, it's kind of overwhelming." The boy paused for a solid five seconds, "Maybe that'll change this year."
"Fe, you don't have to take me. I was just curious."
Feliks' shook his head, "Nie, this is fucking part of the experience. I'm taking your ass to that party."


In the cold air, Tolys was freezing his ass off outside Feliks' house. Luckily for him, Feliks came out of his house right before Tolys died of hypothermia.
"Um ready, uh ready, like um, ready to go?" Feliks' stuttered out. Feliks was wearing a Santa dress and black tights that showed off his slender yet muscular legs and (obviously) a coat (it's Illinois).
"Uh, yeah I guess." Tolys said, swallowing a gasp.
The pair started down a long and asphalt road, made slippery by the light snow and small pockets of iced over potholes. That was a funny thing about small towns, there were roads, but in residential areas, sidewalks weren't all to common. He smiled contently, the scenery was painted in a wonderful orange-pink glow brought on by the sunset. The branches of the trees he was only aquainted with months ago were spindly and fragile looking, like fingers on an old lady. Tolys let out an involuntary shiver.
"Here," Feliks said, wrapping his jacket around Tolys' slight frame.
"Don't ruin it."


They finally got to the party around seven.
"Welcome!" saif Alfred, taking their coats, "There's food, there's booze, there's pop, there's-- fuck!"
Alfred went to check a lot crashing noise somewhere down the hall.
Feliks lead Tolys to a big circle in the living room and plopped down next to Elizabeta.
"Feliks? You never come to these things."
Feliks flashed his classic absent minded and cocky smile, "I wanted Tolys to have the full Pinpoint highschool expirience."
Elizabeta squealed and clapped, "You're just in time for never have I ever!"
Gilbert sat down on the other side of Liz "You people know how to play? Ja?"
The circle cheered.
"I'll go first, never have I ever masturbated with a vegetable."
"Starting off strong there, Gil?" Elizabeta teased.
To both of their surprises, Antonio took a shot, to no one's surprise, so did Francis.
Elizabeta smugly raised her voice, "Never have I ever had a crush on my best friend."
Tolys felt dizzy, what should he do? Felik's knew he was his best friend right? Should he lie? The shots were passed to him and in a moment of panic he took one. To his disappointed, Feliks didn't.


The game had gone to complete shit after about 20 minutes and Tolys had taken it upon himself to drink as much over-rummed eggnog as possible, only leaving leaving his little perch at the window to use the bathroom and refill his drink. It was on one of these refill trips, that Tolys came back to find his seat taken.
"Oh, fuck me!" he cursed. Tolys began to cry. He had always been kind of a sad drunk, the first time he got drunk at his Aunt's New Year's party he spent from 12:30 AM to about 2:15 AM watching sad 4-Chan feels thread videos.
Tolys got up to refill his cup when he was stopped by a wall of muscle, bone and glasses.
"Dude watch it!" Alfred hissed.
"Sorry..." Tolys slurred.
"Watcha doing?" asked Alfred.
"Refilling my cup.." Tolys said.
Alfred eyed the inebriated vision of meloncholy up and down, "How about no?"
  Tolys' vision darkened as he was led to a room and tucked into bed.

Tolys awoke to Feliks shaking him.
"Come on, the cops showed up and kicked everyone out. We have to leave, it's like midnight."
Tolys got up, "My head is killing me!" he whined.
Feliks sighed, "It's a hangover, we'll tuck you into bed and get you a cup of tea but first we have to get out of here.".
The two boys crept out of the room and downstairs into the living room
where Matthew was putting cups into a plastic bag and Alfred was cleaning up a spill.
"Bye "
The two boys walked outside, the wind blowing hair past their faces like windsocks on children's day.
  It was then Tolys looked up, "Fuck."
  It was a full moon, if Tolys didn't get inside soon, he was screwed.
  "Hey Feliks, wanna race? I'm pretty fast, I did basketball in middle school." Tolys took off like a rocket into the night. To his horror, Feliks caught up to him in less than five seconds and playfully shoved him. Tolys yelped as he fell to the ground.
  "Oh! Shit! Sorry!" Feliks said, picking up Tolys, "I forget my own strength sometimes.  Haha, yeah, I forget your not exactly as strong or sturdy as a horse."
  Tolys started to growl, he felt the painful transformation began, sprouting ears, a tail his body contorting, twisting. When he was done he was left whining on the ground.
"Is this why you wanting to get home?"
  Tolys gave a painful whine.
  "Let's get you somewhere safe."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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