Strange Myst Coming Out of the Forest Blue

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The next day at school was akaward. Feliks couldn't talk to Toris and Toris couldn't even look at Feliks. The ice didn't break until after school.

Feliks walked up to Toris, who was by the lockers.
"Toris!!!!" Feliks put a hand on his shoulder. Toris turned around in an agrivated fashion, leading Feliks to shudder and step back.
"What? Just spit it out, I really don't want to talk to you!" He kept his eyes on his locker.
Feliks looked down at his shoes, "I um, I just wanted to ask why you weren't talking to me anymore..."
"You want to know why I wasn't talking?" Toris finally locked eyes with Feliks.
Feliks nodded vigorously.
"Well you lost that privilege." And with that Toris walked off.


Toris angrily slammed the door to his room. Looking up in confusion, he met the eyes of his 15 year old roommate/co-worker.
"Raivis, you sure you should be drinking that? That's a bit.... alcoholic, don't you think?"
"I had a bad day." The boy replied, "I'm the only one in this household besides Natalya and Ivan himself who knows the combination to Ivan's vodka cabinate. I use it to my um, advantage."
That's when Eduard came in with some snacks, "Do you want a drink, looks like you need one."
"Sure." Toris replied.
"Let's go up to the roof!" said a mildly drunk Raivis.


"So, today," started Raivis, tears in his eyes, "I found out my crush was a lesbian." He took another swig of Vodka then proceeded to start crying.
"Alright then." Eduard had turned on some music using his laptop.
"What about you Toris?"
"Well I thought think I just lost the first friend I made in this town..." Toris took the bottle from Raivis and took a swig.
"Why?" asked Eduard, being to only sober guy there.
"Well he got me into a fight and also got me in trouble at the mall and you know how Ivan is..." Toris drank some more.
"Then why are you so upset about this?"
"I don't know... He was an interesting guy.." Toris started crying and drinking more.
There they sat on the roof. Drinking and talking.


"Here boy!" Feliks' horse (no, not the same one he lost to Alfred and Gilbert) had run away, leaving him to be the unfortunate soul who had to go retrieve him... In his pajamas. This made it the perfect opportunity for Feliks Łukasiewicz, clad in pajama shorts and a tank top, at night in the middle of September, to cross the lawn of a certain "Ivan Bragingsky" were his horse had decided to stand in the front yard.
Feliks slipped the lead onto his horse when his eyes met those of Toris, sitting on the roof with two other boys drinking from a bottle of vodka, straight, needless to say, there was not a sober expression.
"Oh my God! Ivan's going to kill you!" Feliks exclaimed.
"Good." Toris said.
"Uhhhh..." Feliks was riddled with anxiety, he knew how much Ivan over reacted.
"Let me take care of this guy then I'll come back for you."


After Feliks returned his horse, he came back with a backpack filled with supplies, in that backpack, was:

-Water bottles
-And some rope

Those who didn't know the current situation would've thought Feliks was going hiking.

The first thing he did was get everyone down from the roof and into the bedroom. This wasn't hard, Feliks, despite being skinny as a pole (I mean like the large sticks that stick out of the ground, I'm not racist, I swear), was actually a pretty strong guy. This was also made easy by the fact that everyone was near comatose and unwilling to walk. The problem didn't come until Toris, who was too heavy for Feliks to lift. Luckily, he was willing to walk/stagger his way there.

The next step was to clean everyone off. He dabbed everyone with some wetnaps, replacing the putrid smell of vodka with citrus and lavender.
"I thought we'd be married by the time you did this." Toris chuckled, this caused Feliks to jump. It was at this moment he realized he would never be able to stand working in a bar or hospital.

When he was sure everyone was knocked out, he put little water bottles on their nightstands and crept out the window.

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