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Warning: This chapter contains a body transformation scene (werewolf), mentions of child abandonment and drug pushing. I will leave a note in the next chapter cathcing you up if you decide to skip this.

Tolys ran into the woods, panting and out of breath. He could feel it overtaking him. He reached a clearing, doing a double take as he recognized it as the spot that Feliks showed him.
Muffling snarles of pain, he crept towards a spot underneath a tree. He circled the spot a few times and dropped to the ground. He let out cries of pain, it wasn't cool, only painful. He tried to go limp, he tried to let his muscles relax and his mind go blank but the pain was too much.
Tolys convulsed as he felt his bones slightly re-align, he felt his skull shift and fur prick up where skin was normally smooth and hairless. He felt his sense of smell and hearing heighten. With a rush of energy, Tolys howled. Now to figure out what to do with the rest of the night.


Feliks was very fidgety around Tolys the next Monday. Quieter too, where as he normally heard something like novel out of him every day said at speeds that wow make quicksilver jealous in a valley girl accent with the concern of somebody who ate weed for breakfast, not a single "like" was heard. Instead the normal chatty rhythm was replaced by stanch silence.
Around maybe 5th period, Feliks finally addressed this, "Did you get hime ok last night?" he asked.
Tolys turned to face the blonde, who was leaning against the wall next to the door. The teacher was always late for this class.
"Yeah..?" he said.
"Good." Feliks said, a sigh of relief that looked like it took his soul with him escaped his lips.
Tolys was confused, did something happen? "Why?" he asked.
Feliks took sudden interest in cleaning his fingernails-which by the way, were still painted a hot-pink. He bit his lip, "Rumor has it Ivan tried to kill you."
Tolys felt a shudder run down his body, "Oh?" he said, voicd cracking.
Feliks silently nodded.
The silence stretched on for about a minute, "What's with him anyway?" Tolys grumbled.
Feliks looked Tolys in the eye, "I'll show you after school."


Tolys stood near the front enterance waiting for Feliks. He strated to tap his foot anxiously when he saw him running towards him.
"Sorry for being late..." Feliks painted, "Elizabeta like needed my help removing Gilbert's arm from a vending machine. That dude has no like, chill or whatever."
Tolys gently touched Feliks' shoulder, "So what were you going to tell me?"
Feliks brought his voice down to a whisper, "We can't talk like, here. People don't like hearing about it." Feliks smirked, "Follow me."


  One thing Tolys learned about Feliks that he had no previous knowledge of was that he had a bright pink convertable. Hell, Tolys didn't even know Feliks owned a car.
  Tolys was surprised when they stopped at his farm near the edge of the woods.
  "Come on!" Feliks said, ushering Tolus near the trees.
  "Oh, God no..." he saighed.
  "Oh gosh yes!" Felons retorted, dragging Tolys by the arm.


  A squirrel scampered up a tree as he sat down in the swing next to Feliks.
  "Ok, so like Ivan," Feliks said.
  Tolys started to trace shapes up and down his friends arm.
  Feliks started to speak again, "When Ivan was in 8th grade, his parents abandoned his family. Ivan and Kat didn't want to go to child services, so they did their best to keep up the appearance that their parents were still there. Kat dropped out of school to make money and eventually Ivan did too. They did some shady shit, pushing drugs probably."
  Tolys looked at his shoes, "That's.... actually pretty bad."
  Feliks looked at his arm, "What are you doing?"
  "Oh! Sorry!" Tolys said, pulling his hand away.
  "No.." Feliks trauled off, "it's fine."
  The only noise for a few minutes was the noise of a babbling creek in the distance and the light hum of bugs.
  "It's kind of romantic don't you think?" Tolys said, voice soft.
  "What? Sitting here in the late afternoon, in our little spot talking about town-famous drug pushers? Or are you one of those shitholes that romantisize people in bad situations?"
  Tolys laughed at Felik's joke, "No, I mean us talking here."
  Feliks narrowed his eyes as if concentrating on something, averting his gaze for all possible eye-contact, "That's gay."
  The blond boy got up from the swing and dusted himself off, "come on, we better like, get going if we don't want to be here at sundown."
  Only they and the animals around them heard the crunch of leaves from the pressure of the footsteps they made.

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