On Wendsdays We Wear Pink

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A/N: For all those who skipped: Tolys is a werewolf.

The reason for Ivan's reputation led to Tolys doing an odd tip-toe around him.
When Ivan would ask something of him, he would do it immediately. When he was sad, Tolys made sure not to bother him (this was mainly put of fear though).
It even got to the point where Natalya and Katuyasha took notice.
"Hey." Kat said to him one day, "If it ever gets to rough for you we can find something to do to get you away from Ivan. That goes for all of you, tell the other boys."
Natalya nodded, "I'm here too, if you ever need a place to go after school and you don't want to jang out with that lunatic Feliks." Natasha said "lunatic" like it didn't apply to herself, but her heart was in the right place and that was all that mattered.


Maybe that's what spawned his next course of action. Feliks approached approached Tolys one lunch period on a Wednesday.
"Hey~" he said, sliding into the booth.
"Hey yourself." Tolys chuckled back.
"Guess which Prince Charming got a Cinderella to match his horse?"
"If you say yourself-"
"Me." Feliks said, flipping his hair.
"How did you?" Tolys was confused, Felons didn't seem like he had it in him.
"Liz agreed to go out with me, the usual suspects were kinda pissing her off so she agreed to like, give me a try." The blond boy beamed like he won the lottery, it kind of hurt Tolys to think about it.
"Wow. I was sure she had standards." Tolys usually didn't get sassy, but as time went on, he felt more and more comfortable with Feliks.
"I have like, a favor to ask though."
"Hm?" Tolys looked up from his sandwich.
"I'm kind of nervous so I like, promised it would be a double date, with you and a mystery girl."
Tolys mentally strangled his friend, how was he supposed to get a date on such short notice? "What time is it?" he asked.
Feliks dropped his shoulders, relived, "Tommorow night at 7:00 pm. Don't be late!" and with that he walked- no, sashayed off.


Tolys had prepared what he was going to say hours in advance. Walking up to Natalya, he took a deep breath, "Hey, Nat..." he said.
"What is it?" she asked, "No, I won't sing Cotton-eyed Joe to the spirits in a a room again. I did it once for Alfred and it got old the first time."
"It's just.." Tolys started to sweat, he'd never done this before. "Feliks-"
"Asked you out?" Natalya filled in, "About time."
"No-yes-kinda?" Tolys cleared his throat, "I have a double date with him, but I need a date."
Natalya gave him a look up-and-down as if she was sizing him up, "Yeah, why not. You're lonely as shit anyway."


The day of the date arrived. Feliks wanted them all to meet at the movie theatre.
"Ready to go?" Tolys asked Natalya. Natalya blankly nodded.
Not only did Natalya not respond, she hardly talked the whole way there. Tolys navigated the streets with only the aid of the shitshow that was Google Maps while Natalya stayed silent.
The only time she did talk was when she quietly grumbled, "I'm cold."
Tolys offered her his hoodie but she just stared at him blankly and flipped him off.
When they had finally reached the theater, the found out Elizabeta had already bought them tickets, "We were waiting here for ever! Come on! Get a snack! Hurry up!" she said, irritatedly.
They settled down and watvhed the previews, commenting on which ones they actually wanted to see and which ones looked like they'd flop. Feliks attempted to put his arm around Elizabeta but she shrugged it off and playfully chided him. Tolys, meanwhile, just sat there, Natalya's icey chill creepibg up his spine.


The four teens walked to the cafe, jackets barely sheilding them from the chilly air. The trees had beautiful orange and red leaves on them, turning brown and falling to the ground. It was only about 9:00 pm and they planned to keep the evening going.
The cafe was quaint and small, themed like a forrest straight out of a fairy tale, with tables that looked like stumps and chairs that looked like oddly shaped rocks, trees and mushrooms. Tolys mentally got his order ready in his head but was surprised when Feliks brought over four pumpkin spice lattes to the table, "It's fall." he said, "not drinking this is illegal."
Tolys giggled and took a sip, Natalya rolled her eyes and gave Feliks a glare, "Basic bitch." she sneered.
"Oh!" Feliks gasped, "I forgot! You only take coffee as bitter as yourself!"
Natalya sneered while Feliks stuck his tongue out.
Tolys to a sip of his PSL, "Wow." his whispered.
"What is it?" Feliks asked.
Tolys walked over to the pinball machine in the corner.
"Yeah," Feliks said, "that pinball machine is like a million years old."
"30." Elizabeta corrected him.
"Whatever." Feliks waved his hand, "bet you can't beat my score!" he bragged.


As we were walking home, Tolys could feel Natalya's body heat radiating towards him, he decided to cherish the moment as this might be the last time he would ever be this close to a girl.
"I knew it."
Tolys turned his head to face Natalya, "You knew what?"
Natalya shifted her face into a strange smirk-grimace hybrid, "You like Feliks."
Tolys wasn't one to get sassy, but he was both confused and annoyed, "Uh yeah, no shit he's my best friend."
Natalya let out a low laugh, "No, like-like."
Time came to a halt.

Best Friend
Bes Friend
Bey Friend.
Boy Friend.

"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Yes you do."
Tolys pursed his lips and looked down, "Promise you won't tell?"
Natalya, who had never felt one single emotion in her natural born life held out a pinky, "Pinky promise."
Tolys yelped as his finger was bent backwards, "It's fine! They bend this way naturally!"
Maybe Tolys saw a flash of sadistic happiness in those cold, blue eyes, or maybe it was compassion. Either way, he smiled.

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