Meeting there little sis again

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Megaman.exe: ( is in his p.e.t when Len comes in ) ? What is it Len?

Len: megaman I got a message from Mayl

Megaman.exe: oh what is it about?

Len: they said they seen this person called plantwomen.exe on the server!

Megaman.exe: !!! ( eyes widen ) p-plantwomen?! Oh my gosh my sis is okay thank heavens

Len: ? She's your sister?

Megaman.exe: yes and I haven't seen her in years can I go login please I want to see her!

Len: sure thing

Megaman.exe: ( thanks him and logs into the server )

[ At the cafe ]

Count Zap: ( is sitting in the cafe with his p.e.t on the table as he drinks his coffee ) so you say you have a sister elec man I thought your only sister was roll.exe

Elec man.exe: well I also have a sister name plantwomen but we haven't seen her in a long time

Random person: hay sal I heard a netnavi has been wondering the server and her name is plantwomen.exe

Sal: ? ( cleans cups ) Plantwomen.exe is on the net server?

That person: yep

Elec man.exe: ( over hears them and eyes widen ) WHAT PLANTWOMEN IS BACK!?!

Count Zap: !? ( spills his coffee from being startled ) 💢

Elec man.exe: woops sorry boss ( rubs the back of his head embarrassed and goes onto the net server )

Mr.Match: ??? ( looks over at them ) who is this plantwomen there talking about

Fire man.exe: well plantwomen.exe is my younger sister and I haven't seen her in a long time

Mr.Match: well she is on the server right now If you want to you can go and see her

Fire man.exe: thank you Mr.match ( logs into the server and guts man.exe does as well )

[ at school ]

Tory: ice man I heard this navi called plantwomen is on the net server

Ice man.exe: ( eyes light up ) oh my gosh!!! ( logs into the server )

Tory: ( chuckles putting his p.e.t back in his pocket )

[ In the Net sever ]

Bomb man.exe: ( lays back in the clearing near the home world with cut man.exe )

Color man.exe: GUYS! GUYS! ( wobbles in ) Guys plantwomen is on the net server in the home world

Cut man.exe: ! ( gets up ) really!?

Bomb man.exe: let's go and see her ( they run off to the home server )

Plantwomen.exe: ( waits for roll but gets tackle hugged by her siblings but proto man.exe was training so he didn't get the message )


Oc book for megaman battle network and even MORE randomness! [Closed For Asks]Where stories live. Discover now