Raging blaze ( team protomans verson )

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( Team ProtoMan was at base )

Lan: ( rushes in ) Guys!!!!

Jasmine: ( goes over to him ) Lan what's wrong you look terrified

Lan: ( takes a deep breath ) The main server of the net is on FIRE!!!

Tesla: ! What on earth!? What will happen to the independent navis on the net?

Chaud: this isn't good...

( the door bell rings and Lan goes and opens the door to see a lot of his friends standing there )

Mayl: Lan I want to help you

Yai: I would like to help as well

Dex: its the least we can do me and guts man have the guts!

Shuko: I heard a fire is all over the net me and aqua man want to help

Masa: me and shark man can help

Raika: I heard the news so we called in your friends to help out

Fyrefox: yep

Iris.exe: Lan please be carecount

Lan: don't worry I will now thank you all for your help me and  Megaman need all the help we can get

[ with there navis ]

Megaman: thank you all for the help

Roll.exe: no problem Megaman

Glyde: well we should get to the fires to put them all out

Guts man.exe: we got the guts!

Shark man.exe: sounds like a good plain Glyde

Aqua man.exe: ( looks around ) we should do a head count

Search man.exe: okay ( looks around gathering all the data ) okay so everyone seems to be here except rose,plantwomen, crystal,Electra and daisy

Megaman: ! Plantwomen is stuck on the net! ( freaks out )

( two more navis beam in )

Elec man.exe: were here to help

Fire man.exe: yep

Glyde: beaming in most independent navis now ( beams most of them in )

Cloud man.exe: what do you want? ( snarls )

Cut man.exe: ( moves through the crowed of navis and sees them ) Fire man! Elec man! Your okay! ( runs over and hugs them so does bomb man.exe )

Drill man.exe: it was warm on the net

Clock man.exe: almost scalding hot

Iris.exe: I'm just here to see if your all okay

Lark man.exe: ( looks over at megaman and looks away crossing his arms ) I'm not helping you

Blizzard man.exe: but lark man the net is on fire!

Bright man.exe: we need to help out whether we like it or not!

Yamato man.exe: how did the fire start?

Sword man.exe: ( steps back ) um...I'm not sure

Mist man.exe: ( looks over at him ) stop lying sword man you have something to do with this

Sword man.exe: fine! I made the fire I'm sorry I was training with my flame sword when I dropped it in the forest part of the net and I ran away not wanting to deal with it

( everyone glares at sword man.exe )

Glyde: we don't have time to argue let's help the net!

[ they beam to the net ]

Glyde: ( arm turns into a arm buster ) air shot! ( fires gusts of wind putting some fire out )

Roll.exe and aqua man.exe: Aqua tower!!! ( they send a Pilar water at the fire getting rid of some )

Guts man.exe: rocket gut punch! ( his fist get bigger and fires them at the fire dulling most of the fire and shark man.exe finished off with aqua tower )

Megaman.exe: ( swats at the fire with aqua sword )

Elec man.exe: bubbler! ( sends out s stream of bubbles hitting the fire getting most )

Lark man.exe: ( gets in the air and flies around and sees people rushing to safety seeing people that he remembers helping out ) Daisy! Plantwomen!

Daisy: ( helps junk man.exe to safety ) g-go with the o-others!

Junk man.exe: okay be careful ( runs off with the others )

Plantwomen.exe: A-Aqua tower! ( sends it at the fires trying to keep them back )

( the fire rages on getting really close to plantwomen.exe she turns to run but ends up tripping and the fire rushes towards her )

Plantwomen.exe: ! ( braces herself closing her eyes tightly )

Lark man.exe: ( dives in ) lark dive! ( sends a powerful gust of wind forward getting rid of most of the fire )

Plantwomen.exe: ( gets up and rushes to the blaze ) N-Natures cure!!! ( she sends out a powerful burst of light and it gets rid of the fires but then she collapsed out of energy )

Lark man.exe: Plantwomen! ( goes over and picks her up rushing off )

[ 3 hours later ]

Plantwomen.exe: ( wakes up ) ...h-huh?...

Roll.exe: plantwomen! ( hugs her tightly ) thank goodness your okay!

Guts man.exe: you had us worried there

Elec man.exe: at least your not hurt

Proto man.exe: ( hugs plantwomen ) don't use natures cure on fires it takes your energy

( she nods and hugs them back )

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