Electrifying ( electra.exe logging in )

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( At team colonel base )

Bayl: everyone we have a problem at the power plant something is shutting off all electricity from going out

Pride: oh dear! Let's head there and take care of the problem

( they head to the power plant and see both Count zap and Ann zap )

Dusk: Count zap, Ann zap what is the problem?

Count zap: My navi elec man.exe went in to take care of the problem but he hasn't came back!

Rose.exe: Wait elec man? That's plantwomen's older brother! Lan jack me in!

Lan: very well ( goes over and sends her in )

Dusk: Let's all jack in to help

( everyone nods and sends in there navis )

[ In the net ]

Shadow man.exe: it's quite in here...almost to quite something must be wrong

Rose.exe: ( rushes through the area )

Knight man.exe: ! Rose wait!

Toad man.exe: ( chases after her ) wait up rose!

Rose.exe: ( goes through a gate way and then the barrier goes up after she went through stopping toad man.exe )

Tomahawk man.exe: this isn't good!

Knight man.exe: without Meddy we can get through the barrier

( she goes in deeper into the comp )

Rose.exe: ( gets through the viruses )

Spark man.exe: ( laughs mockingly as shade man.exe knocks out elec man.exe ) Using his sister plantwomen as bate was genus!

Plantwomen.exe: ( struggles but can't get out of the trap ) e-elec man!

Rose.exe: ( sees them ) spark man and shade man hmmmm ( looks at her chips ) ah I got a idea ( gets megaman in )

Megaman.exe: ? What do you need rose? Is something wrong? ( looks over there cover and sees plantwomen tied up in a trap ) ! Plantwome( rose covers his mouth and gets him down )

Rose.exe: the plan is that you can use double soul

Megaman.exe: but I don't have a wood element chip to use for one

Rose.exe: ( looks around and takes out two chips one has tomahawk man.exe's emblem and the other was a wood tower chip ) here take it! I'll deal with shade man

Megaman.exe: okay thanks rose ( takes the chips and puts in the chips ready to use tomahawk soul )

Rose.exe: ( gets out of hiding ) Give it up you two! You'll get taken down by the hands of justice! ( hand turns Into a sword )

Shade man.exe: ( laughs ) you and what army? ( sees megaman ) !!! Megaman!?

( megaman glows and transforms )

( megaman glows and transforms )

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Megaman.exe: Time to finish you for good spark man!! ( charges at him and swings his large axe )

Spark man.exe: !!! ( logs out )

Rose.exe: ( fights off shade man.exe ) ( slashes at him deleting him )

Megaman.exe: ( turns back to normal and goes over to plantwomen and brakes her out ) are you okay?

Plantwomen.exe: i-i'm fine they where after this ( holds up a emblem that looks like this

exe: i-i'm fine they where after this ( holds up a emblem that looks like this

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Rose.exe: That's Electra's emblem! ( she gets the emblem and heals it the emblem lights up and Electra comes out )

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