How knight man.exe joined the team

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( Team Colonel where sitting together )

Dusk: Um princess pride if you don't mind can you tell us how you joined the team?

Pride: Well okay then but most will be said by Knight man

Knight man.exe: Very well

[ Flash Back ]

Lan: guys I think that's a bad idea to stand so close to that hole

Dex: come on what's the worst that can happen?

( the ground shakes and Dex , Mayl and Yai fall back into the pit )

Lan: !! Guys! ( rushes over ) don't worry me and rose will get you out of there!

( Lan runs into the mines and at a giant drill there was pride )

Pride: ( is at the control panel ) Stop that this instant! Oh,my...He won't listen to a word I say!

Lan: Who goes there?! ( runs over ) Stop that drill! My friends are below it!

Pride: Lan?! Aren't you Lan it's me, Pride!

( after some talking rose.exe had to run through 4 drill comps to stop the drill )

Rose.exe: ( runs through and sees Knight man.exe ) Stop this drill!

Knight man.exe: Grrrrr...

Rose.exe: Knight man! Stop that drill!

Knight man.exe: Grrraw!

Rose.exe: ( steps back to talk to Lan from the P.E.T ) It's no good! He's not listening!

Pride: Rose, please stop Knight man! It's the only way to save Lan's friends!

Knight man.exe: Grrrr...Grrrraaawggh!

Rose.exe: Lan, here it comes!

Lan: Battle routine,set!

Rose.exe: Execute!!!

Knight man.exe: ( charges at her ) Graawwgh!

( After a long battle )

Knight man.exe: Rgg...Rgrr...W...What happened to me?

Rose.exe: Knight man,are you back to normal?!

Pride: Knight man, hurry and press the switch!

Knight man.exe: Yes,Princess Pride! ( turns off the drill ) Shutdown switch, activated...


Knight man.exe: Princess Pride, the drill has been deactivated.

Pride: Thank you, Knight man. Jack out.

Knight man.exe: Yes'm! ( backs out of the drill comp )

Pride: Go,Lan,to your dear friends! Follow that path to go down bellow!

Lan: Right! I've gotta bust them out! Rose,jack out!

Rose.exe: Roger! ( Jacks out of the drill comp )

( Lan rushes through the mine and finds a metal door with a lock system on the side )

Lan: Dex! Mayl! Yai! Are you guys okay? I'll get you outta there!

Dex: Lan! I knew you'd come through for us!

Mayl: Lan!!!

Yai: I thought we were done for!

Rose.exe: Lan, jack me in! I'll disable the electronic lock!

Lan: Okay,Rose! There's gotta be a switch somewhere inside! Jack in!Rose,Execute!!!

( rose.exe goes inside the ElctLockComp )

Rose.exe: This must be the release switch. Pressing the switch now!

( she presses the switch and after a second or two sirens go off )


( rose.exe covers her ears from the load sound )

( the ground shakes )

Rose.exe: What?! ( stumbles back )

( boulders come rushing at her )

Rose.exe: Yikes! ( braces herself )

( Knight man.exe jacks in and gets in front of her )

Knight man.exe: Hrrggraahh! ( shields her from the boulders )

Rose.exe: Knight man!

Knight man.exe: Don't move! ( continues to shield her from the boulders and it stops ) The security system is off.

Rose.exe: Thank you,Knight man!

Knight man.exe: A true knight always returns a favor in kind! This is my thanks for you restoring me to normal. Now we're even. The electronic lock is down. You can save your friends. ( jacks out of the comp )

[ Flash back ends ]

Knight man.exe: And that was how me and rose fist met after that me and Pride decided to join team Colonel

Dusk: So Rose.exe had to help you after you gone bezerk

Pride: Yes and it was because of MagnoMetal

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