how shadow man joined the team

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Dingo: Dusk and shadow man how did you join team colonel?

Dusk: well it is very memorable to me I'll let shadow man tell you

Shadow man.exe: very well

[ Flash Back ]

Lan: ( after getting safely back home he watches as his friend mayl walk back home he looks at the ground ) Dad..

???:  Lan,the NetBattler...

Lan: ( turns around quickly ) Who's that?!

Dusk: ( walks over to him ) You must be Lan?

Lan: ( backs up ) Who are you! Are you a Nebula operator?

Dusk: Nebula? Key heh...close, very close.

Lan: What do you want?!

Dusk: Now, no need to get all riled up. I don't intend to hurt you. Just let me show you something.

Lan: ( nods )

( they walk to the park right by the chip shop )

Lan: What are we doing here?

Dusk: I want you to show me your power. The both of you. ( takes out P.E.T )

Lan: What for?!

Dusk: Oh, just curious...

Lan: ( gets ready to run off ) Forget it! I don't know who  you are but we don't have to show you anything!

Dusk: Or maybe you don't have anything to show? With wimps like you, Nebula's got it easy.

Lan: How do you know we're fighting Nebula?!

Dusk: Heh. I don't bother answering wimps.

Lan: ( gets a little angry ) What're ya calling us wimps for, anyway! That is one thing we are certainly not!

( he takes out his P.E.T )

Lan: I've had enough! We'll show you what we're made of!

Dusk: Heh. That's the spirit! Jack in to this squirrel. ( points to the golden squirrel statue ) Find my Navi in the deep reaches of the SquirrelCmp. Are you ready? Heh, but I'm not sure you'll make it to my Navi!

Lan: We'll make it to your Navi.And if we do, I expect you to tell me who you are!

Dusk: Agreed.

( after that Lan used rose.exe to go through the comp finding shadow man rose.exe was force to jack out after some talking )

Dusk: It's going to be an uphill battle against Nebula!

Lan: I don't need to hear that from you! And why would shadow man's operator need to test us?! Wait aren't you a Nebula agent?!

Dusk: I'm a lone wolf assassin I belong to no one. Shadow man,return

Shadow man.exe: At once!

Dusk: Lan, heed my warning. Regal seeks a certain "thing" that belongs to your Dad. If Regal is able to get it,it will surely spell doom for all. ( disappears into a puff of smoke )

Lan: W...Wait!... Is he friend? Or foe? And what is this "thing" that Dad has?


Rose.exe: Lan you got mail! It's from Baryl. I'll read it! " Nebula agents still remain in Oran Area. Immediately make your way to Oran Area. However, Oran Area network is unstable. You will not be able to jack in from Orin Isle.Go there by way of ACDC Area. "

[ Flash back Ends ]

Dingo: huh

Dusk: after that we where able to battle each other and we proved to be a valuable team member for are speed and are element of surprise

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