Chapter 2

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After I took a shower, I went into my closet and I grabbed black pants and black tank top
on and then grabbed a long black sleeve shirt and put them on and then went to the door and grabbed my black boots and sat on my bed and put my boots,
after that I got up somebody started knocking on the door.

I groaned who could be up this early in the morning I walk towards the door and opened, it was my best friend Brooke, me and here been friends since we where little and she been there for me since everything happen, people may say I'm cold-hearted and a beast but when it comes to my best friend I would do anything to protect her she was the only family I have.

Brooke had brown hair with highlights in it and she had blue eyes  and as I look at her, her hand was on stomach she was 7 months pregnant with boy and I was the godmother for her baby since she trusted me and I was happy for her even though it's been hard for since her mate died before she found out she was pregnant.

Her mate was warrior this pack, he died in rogue attack protecting this pack it was hard though he was good guy and had good heart, when he died Brooke  would have nightmares every night and come into my bedroom and wanted be comforted sometimes it pissed me off because I wanted to sleep but I let her do it because I understood what she was going threw and for couple weeks she looked like zombie barley ate anything and barley slept, but when she found out she pregnant I slapped her in face and told her to get grip.
She is pregnant now and she has something worth living for and told her having a pup growing so don't risk hurting your self because Michael would never want this he would want you to move on and be happy as I did she look shocked but then looked happy and she told me she won't and she knows Michael wouldn't want this but it's hard because I love him and she gave me a hug.

"So I heard that rogue manage whoop Alex and nick ass while trying to contain him that must show to watch I can't believe I missed it" she walked by and sat on the bed and pouted

" Brooke your pregnant so I'm glad you didn't for two  Alex and Nick are fucking stupid there not even warriors so I don't know why they tried to contain him knowing the rogue is stronger " I walked over and sat on the bed beside Brooke shaking my head in disbelief.

" I know but it would still be funny to witness it though but I came here to ask how you were doing since it's the anniversary of your family dies," she said really fast.

I went stiff and I turn cold and I immediately jump up and look at her in disbelief
"are you fucking kidding me I told you I don't want talk about it and yet here you are asking AGAIN, I growled and grabbed her wrist and shook her
"you need to stop asking these damn questions you fucking understand me and don't ever fucking ask me ever again" as said that I got in her face I was pissed.

I was shaking in fury and she knew I didn't like talking about this topic but every fucking time it came around she would ask me, it was something I did not like talking about especially my fucking past that was total shit.

My wolf wanted to come out and tear into pieces for asking that question but she couldn't shift and she wouldn't kill Brooke not when she pregnant and my best friend.

As I looked at her I realized she was crying, I immediately took my hands off her and took couple steps back and look back at the clock, shit it was 7:54
I shook my head and look at Brooke

"look I'm sorry Brooke but you need to stop asking those damn questions, you know as damn well how I feel about my family and how I feel about them dam fucking vampires and it's not going change anytime not now and especially not in the future so please stop and I have to leave and go beat the shit out this rogue" as I walked towards the door

"I'm sorry Blaine it's just I'm trying help you shouldn't go through this alone I'm here for you," she said

I looked at her with my cold eyes"Well quit trying to help I don't want and nor will I ever want it" I growled at her and slammed the door.

It was 7:56 I managed to grab a protein bar and then I looked around to see if anybody was nearby and there wasn't, so I manage to use my vampire speed to get to the cellar.

As I get there Eva speaks to me through the link" something feels funny hope and it's giving me a weird vibe oh wish I knew what it was because it's making me feel unease and antsy",
and I felt her unease and her feeling antsy,
"just hold on Eva I will find out what it," I said to her and I shut the link off and I walked through the cave, I liked how I kept the cave creepy barley any light and the only light was from the candles.
I greeted one the guards at the door and told me where to go and I just nodded.
The cave had different smells like feces and piss and then dry blood and dead rodents it really was gross with all different smells in the cave.

All the cells had door attached and then a bar cell attached that was mixed with silver and vervain in case we're dealing with vampire or wolf, it made them weak especially the vampires it didn't kill them but it made them weak I didn't touch it since it made me sick but the smell of the vervain mix with silver made me sick.

My boots echoed the hallway as I got close to the cell at the end I kept hearing screams and as I got closer it kept getting louder and as I got closer felt really antsy and unease, I saw Nigel and the screams got really  loud "IM GOING KILL THE ALPHA ONCE I GET MY HANDS ON HIM" the rogue screamed
Nigel chuckled he pointed to the door " yeah he's been like this since he got here I'm surprised his voice hasn't gone out yet and it's funny he thinks your male.

I chuckle shook my head "well he has another thing coming so open that door since I can't open it"

As I said that Nigel open the door
As he did that my eyes open wide all I can say is "Oh Shit"!!
All Eve said is "MATE"

So how do you guys feel?

Blaine past is pretty hard that she doesn't want talk about and what do you guys think to happen to her?

Why does the rogue think Blaine is a male??

Also side note does anybody want to make any covers for my book each chapter I will put them up

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