Chapter 6

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This chapter you guys will see part of Blairs past and also
Warning this chapter will be graphic little bit

Hope/Blair is 13

"Please let me go I'll listen to you master!" as I screamed out I was thrashing around trying to get the grasp that the two men had on my arms they were pulling me to the chair, I was being punished for not listening to his command.
As I was thrashing around trying to get out the two men grasp The Master walked in I suddenly stop thrashing and The Master came up to me.

Tsk young girl you said that the last time since you under defined me" as he said that he was pointing at me and got in my face "I'm going have punished you, you disrespected, you embarrassed me and you didn't listen and I told you the last time if you go back to your humanity your going be severely punished, and I don't need pets"he sneered at me "disobeying me and making me a fool, do you understand me he said a serious tone.

When I didn't answer he pulled on my hair so hard that hurt so bad that I was almost in tears " I said do you understand" he sneered at me
I stuttered " Y...e...s ..yes I understand.

He let go of my hair and started stroking his chin which looked weird considering he doesn't have a beard
" you know what" he said " that answer is not good enough" and he started laughing and all sudden he punch me in the gut so hard that the men had let me go and I fell on the floor clutching my stomach it felt like I couldn't breath, I was in tears because it hurt so bad, I couldn't make a noise or else I would get hit again.
All sudden I felt pain explode on my skull and I was been lifted up "Get up you big crybaby "he sneered at me

So I listen to him and as I got up the two men grabbed my arms and sat me in the chair in the middle of some room and they tied my arms and my legs so I couldn't escape, as I was being tied up I looked around the room or more like a jail cell had one light that was coming from a torch on the other side the of the cell and there where no windows and the cell had all cement and straight ahead there was a door with keypad, crap if I was going try escape I couldn't I didn't know the key pad.
All sudden I felt a sting on my face, I bit my cheek so I wouldn't say anything that might earn a punch in the air. The master started talking " alright listen up bitch" he suddenly grabbed my air and said this that made me go pale  " two weeks your going be here without no blood or food and you will be filled with torture every single day for 5 hours" and he got in my face do you "understand "he hissed, this couldn't happen I can't be in here for two weeks, not without blood nor food my wolf wouldn't be able to handle it I'll be weak I start to panic.

"N....o I don't understand, I said in panicky tone"
He growled "WHAT did you say!" while he said that he pulled on my hair real tight, tears where forming at my eyes " I said NO I don't understand, you can't keep me here my grandparent will find me and I don't deserve this punishment , they where just little children they didn't deserve to be killed they where innocent"! I said.

He started laughing and then stopped and his reached out and grabbed my neck and squeezed my neck little bit too hard I started wheezing I couldn't breathe. The master leaned " You think you don't deserve punishment, well think again bitch, you do, those kids deserve to die they weren't innocent" he sneered and he used his other hand stroke his imaginary beard and he stopped and leaned into my ear and whispered "you know what the best part of killing them, draining them dry and hearing their little screams of agony, that was the best part hearing there screams" he said and he leaned back and let go of my neck I started coughing and the master started talking again and "For your grandparents there being told right now that you runaway again because you couldn't handle "he said grinning and he walked somewhere in the cell I didn't pay attention, I was into much pain.

The Hybrid LunaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora