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today was the day for our plan...I knew what I was suppose to do and same for rake. It was close to midnight that's when our plan would take place. When it was finally time I started to thrash around and scream a high pitched scream most likely startling any guards on duty. I continued to scream until two night shift guards came in, one holding a Assault Riffle, while the other had some medical supplies. "Subject 3-739, whats wrong?..." The Medic asked trying to calm me down. Within a couple seconds, i sticked. I bit down on his arm, making him scream a high pitch scream and grab the other guards attention. He shot at my chest, and i fell back. I whimpered, as he aimed the gun at my head and got ready to fire. But i hit the gun away and grabbed his shirt pulling him down, "SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKA!" I yelled and bite open his throat. He cried out trying to stop the blood, it failing in the end. Quickly, i grabbed a keycard and ran to rake's cell. I swiped it (smash or pass ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), and heard a beep meaning it was opened. Rake peeked out and smiled. something i never expected from a monster...He nodded his head in appreciation and i nodded back. I grabbed the gun from the one guard and we made our way through the building. After many twist and turns we heard some people. "Hurry up and get this physco in his cell!" a guard yelled. "well its kinda hard with a BROKEN ARM!" another screeched. "awd gow" (and jaw) the other said ]kinda. Rake peeked out a little bit and backed up, his eyes widened. "they have Jeff" He whispered. "Jeff?..." i whispered back. He nodded, "he is apart of my weird family..." I nodded understanding. Then i walked towards them, gun in hand, and fired. Luckily they didn't see me, so they went down easy. The only one standing was the Jeff dude. He had black pants, a strait jacket on, black burt hair, and a mouth guard thing?. Rake and i ran over , me undoing the strait jacket, and rake untying the mouth guard. With those off, he had a whitish pink hoodie, and white skin. His face had the worst of it with two huge gashes on his cheeks, formed into a smile, and burnt off eyelids. "Thanks sweetcheeks" he said and stretched out. "Rake" He nodded towards him. "okay first of all...i need my knife..."He said and walked towards the area he just came from (anyone else thought of jack sparrow when i wrote that XD?). I was confused but shrugged and followed, same for rake. There where huge sections, labeled, subject weapons and items, " i could find my wife in here...Brenda darling?" i chuckled, jokingly. Rake laughed as well, but for Jeff...not so much. We entered an area with recent victims things, Jeff screeched with glee finding a draw labeled, 'Jeff the Killer Items' He opened it and grabbed a kitchen knife with fresh blood on it, and a flask. He shoved that in his pocket. "Sometimes ya need to numb your senses" he said looking at me and pointed with a serious expression on his face (yup defiantly jack sparrow...). We all then headed towards two metals doors with locks on them. I huffed, hearing footsteps behind me. I turned readying the gun, but stopped seeing Mitch, holding his gun at me. " Z..." he mumbled and slowly lowered the gun, "why are you..." His face got hard, into a angrier expression. He aimed the gun at me, but turned around and shot a few times. I realized he was firing at other guards. Once some where down he threw some keys at me, "Get out of here Z!" he yelled firing some more. I gave Jeff the keys, and he started unlocking the doors. Within seconds they where open, Jeff and Rake ran out, but i stayed and stared. "Why are you letting me go Mitch..." i asked. He turned and gave me a soft smile. "Cause I'm not human Z...Now go" his eyes glowed a bright yellow and things started flying at more guards, almost like spears. I nodded and started out, "See you soon sis!" He called as the doors shut and alarms barred. I followed Jeff and Rake into the woods that surrounded the establishment. I never felt so free...

Here i wanted to make this XD I'm slacking XD ill try another chapter tomorrow BYE i love you my lovelies~Darky

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