Friends and Foes

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( i wanted to let you all know that Hypnotic belongs to @MariDeBrucque )

I yawned with a start. Then stretched. I opened my eyes and huffed, never had i ever had a better night sleep then i just had. I crawled out of bed, literally. I hummed softly as my skin touched the soft carpet. The asylum always had cold floors. It was nice to feel something that didn't freeze you to death. I looked around the room , my eyes landing on neatly folded clothes on the dresser next to my bed. I stood and tilted m head, seeing a note alongside them. I picked up the note and read:

Dear Z,

'I knew you wouldn't have anything to change into

So i made this for you~.

I hope it fits and is comfortable enough.


Love, Trender~<3'

I smiled at the little note. Then looked at the clothes. It was a black shirt with red at the corner that faded into smaller circles and finally into black. Then simple black jeans with red splattered on it, like blood almost. I looked at Clockworks bed, seeing she wasn't there, then locked the door, quickly changing into the new clothes. I then noticed something hanging off the dresser. A hoodie. It was black as well, but had something written on it. I turned it over and read, 'Dead Inside'. I chuckled at the statement and put it on, giving my hair a pat to stop it from frizzing. I unlocked the door and went to leave until i heard screaming and two beings running past the door. I jumped and looked down the hallway slowly. A boy was chasing a smaller girl with something in his hand. I followed behind, following their sent when they ran around corners. They ended up at a dead end. The girl was almost crying when the boy got closer. The boy wore a pale green hoodie, the sleves being striped with a darker green and brown. He also ticked time to time. On his face was a orange pair of goggles and a strange mouth guard. His hood was a blueish gray and had brown hazel hair peeking over his face. In his hand was a simple spider. 'Not so scary' i thought. The girl was shorter. Her hair was black with blood-red highlights, and her eyes were white with these swirls in the eyes ,like a cartoon character that has been hypnotized, and she bled from the eyes. She has a cut on her face that goes from the right corner of her lip to almost her ears, while on the other side it is the same except it is stitched and there are more stitches that reach the corner of her eye. She wore a red hood with a black and white striped shirt underneath and blue jeans. She was shaking looking at the little bug. I tilted my head walked over to the two. I leaned my arm on the boys shoulder, "what's going on?" i asked, knowing they didn't know me. "W-who are you?" they boy asked lowering his hand a bit, away from the girl. She seemed relieved at that. "Names are?" i asked looking at his hand and picking up the spider gently. He glared slightly from behind his goggles, "Toby..." i nodded and looked at the girl, "and you?.." but before she could answer i lifted the little spider above my head, opening my mouth, and dropped it in. Her eyes widened, "H-hypnotic.." she stuttered, surprised at my action. I chewed slowly, looking over the two, then swallowed smirking. Toby seemed surprised as well. I removed my arm and bowed slightly with my arms extended, "as you were ladies~." i chuckled, getting back up and walked away. Footsteps ran after me. It was Hypnotic. "You ATE the thing!?" she exclaimed. I nodded and smiled, "yeah? And your point?" She ran in front of me, stopping me in my track. "You ATE a spider...A SPIDER! Thats Creepy!" I rolled my eyes and leaned down to her height. "Would you have wanted him to set it on you? Anyway i needed a light snack.." i chirped and stood back up. She thought for a second, then pouted, knowing i was right. "So you were right...but i could have handled it myself." she crossed her arms. I chuckled and pat her head, "sure you could've.." i made my way round her and headed to the kitchen, my hunger not fully satisfied. I opened the kitchen door and huffed, seeing E.J. at the table eating something, that smelled good actually. I walked to the fridge and opened it. Nothing really sparked my interest except something in a jar labeled, 'E.J.'s'. It smelled like the same thing he was eating. "Um what's in this jar.." i asked, peeking over the fridge door at the masked man. He looked at me and back at his food. I heard him mumble something. Kidneys? I 'hmmed' looking back at the organs. "Can i have one?.." i asked again, never looking back at him. I heard him choke and cough. I looked back over, seeing i had his full attention. He mumbled again, i heard a 'sure'. I smiled grabbing the jar, opening it, and closing it again, setting it back. I closed the fridge, closed my eyes and took a bite out of the tender meat, some blood dripping down my face as i did. I opened my eyes again, seeing i was being stared at. I felt a heat come to my cheeks, and chuckled nervously, while whipping my chin. "It's good...tastes fresh too..." I sat down at the table taking another bite. He nodded, "got it last night..." he said, his voice being deep, kind of hot...what am i thinking!? I barely know the guy and i'm hitting on him in my head!? Ugh... "last night?..." i asked looking at the meat in my now bloody hand. He nodded again, lifting up his mask, revealing a grayish skin tone and a mouth filled with sharp, shark-like teeth. He took a bite out of his piece and swallowed. "Yes..i went hunting last night...i was low so i had to get some more.." I nodded understanding. I quickly finished my meal and got up heading to the sink to wash up. "So.." he started, "your names Z, correct?..." I washed my hands, "yes...and your in Eyeless jack...?" i heard him hum in response. I smiled and dried my hands turning towards him. "Well it was nice to meet you...affically..." he nodded. I nodded back at him and made my exit. I ended up in the living room. I saw the short green boy on the couch playing a game, which was funny due to him looking like the character he was playing. Next to him was Dark...Dark seemed distracted by something...or someone...i couldn't tell who it was because they seemed to have turned the corner around a doorway. Dark sighed and leaned her head onto her hand, dreamily. When she noticed my presence she sat up and huffed annoyed. I rolled my eyes sitting on the opposite side of the boy. I felt her glare on me, so i turned my head, her not moving an inch. I smiled lazily, her growling in response and look away. I chuckled looking at the TV to watch the boy play. Hours passed and i jumped awake, not realising i passed out. I yawned and got up, stretching my stiff bones. It was quiet...too quiet...I gulped and looked lights or movement was in sight. I made my way to a door and tried to open it...locked...I tried another...locked as well...crap...i huffed looking for a way to get out of the dark room. Then a door, leading to the kitchen opened slowly. I shivered and walked towards it...the light was off and it was even darker then the living room. I quietly made my way inside, being cautions. I heard a soft chuckle and quick footsteps running around me. "Who is that..." i asked, not really knowing. I heard the kitchen door slam shut, making me jump in surprise. I never was scared of anything...but this...a house full of freaks kinda scared the asylum they couldn't touch me due to them being stuck in rooms. But i wasn't in the asylum...i was in a house full of killers...most not even human...well i'm not even human...but still..I heard heavy breathing come from behind me. I gulped and slowly turned around. I saw two red dots looking at me. No..not dots...Hearts...that were broken...i recognized them as Dark's eyes...oh...I heard a screech, from in front of me, then i was tackled to the floor, i screamed. The lights turned on to Dark pinning me to the ground. She growled drooling a bit. She sniffed me and huffed getting off. Dark chuckled and sat on the floor, almost dog-like. I glared at her sitting up. She smiled creepily and tilted her head. A black smoke floated out of her eyes. Then she was engulfed with the same smoke. SHe then disappeared. But before she did i heard her say something, but it held something dark...

" W e l c o m e t o t h e f a m i l y . . . P r e p a r e t o lo s e y o u r m i n d . . . "

i hope you liked this chapter i know i do hue hue~ i love you my lovelies~Darky

My Rotten Heart~ Eyeless Jack X zombie!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now