Old friends and tests...

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i-i need someones's OC which is a demon, girl, Bisexual don't ask why though heh... Enjoy...

I sat there on the floor, frozen. I heard those nine words repeat in my head. It really sent shivers through me. I heard a series of footsteps make their way towards me. I just sat there...i looked over, seeing the girl from the small group, the one with the black dress. I never got her name, have i? I stood up awkwardly, and watched her make her way to the fridge. SHe grabbed some red velvet cake from it and grabbed a fork, digging in. She took a bit then nodded towards the spot i was sitting, "Dark get you?..." she asked, her voice was soothing and beautiful. I nodded looking down. She laughed a bit, "watch out for her, she loves to mess with new people..." I huffed, already knowing that. "Names Jane...Jane the killer..." "Z...but i think you know that already..." She nodded still eating the red dessert. I gulped and looked at the door, seeing a strange glow but then it left. "Um well...i guess i'll see you around...bye..." i said quickly and went to find the glow. It was a green color. I found the same glow later on, in the game room, clocky said yesterday when touring me around. I opened the door slowly. Inside where the shortish blonde boy and another boy, a slightly shorter boy. The other boy wore a gray hoodie and gray sweatpants. Both torn at places. Within those tears had a black background with 1's and 0's scattered around. He turned his head which had brown short hair. His face was normal...apart for the mask which looked like the tears, black with 1's and 0's scattered. He also had a brown satchel hanging off his hip with what seemed like a laptop. The glow came from his codes which glowed green. It was strange...He kind of looked like Dark...I walked in quietly. It grabbed both boys attention. The blonde smirked and walked over to me, somehow being taller than me... "You aren't thinking about throwing my hat again are you..?" he asked a dark look in his eyes...erm...sockets...I shook my head. He chuckled, "the names DROWNED, Ben DROWNED..." He announced grabbing my hand and planting a soft kiss on the top of it. I cringed taking my hand back, "Z..." I looked at the other boy, he seemed to be examining me. "Your a zombie..." He blurted out. He must not think before he speaks. I huffed and nodded, "yes...but i kind of found that ruid..." He shook his head, and blushed a light pink, "S-sorry...i don't really have a filter...um My names Glitch Gizmo...you can call me Glitchy if you want..." He held his hand out for me to shake , which i did. I smiled. "Nice to meet you both..." Ben nodded and went to speak when Glitchy beat him to it, "your really pretty..." My eyes widened at the sudden compliment and felt my cheeks heat up. "U-um thanks..." i smiled and looked away, feeling awkward. Ben punched him in the arm, earning a hurt yelp. I heard them whisper, "Dont be to sudden!" "im sorry but it's true!" I giggled and headed towards the door. "Well nice to know you, but i gotta go...bye boys~" i chirped and headed out. Man boys are fun to mess with...I sighed, aimlessly walking down the halls of the huge mansion. This really made me feel like a zombie from those horror movies...Life in the asylum wasn't too bad...they did treat me like trash, but at least i was able to go interact with everyone and watch TV...I sighed remembering my oldest friend...Her name was Orchid. She was a fun loving creature...who killed and ate kids...but that's besides the point...She loved flowers but hated the light, so she mostly looked at them in books. Her eyes where a deep green which anyone could fall in love with...Her hair was a dark pink that faded into a green. But the fun nights with her ended as she fell ill one day, but not in a sick way...she was taken to the far side of the building, To where those who went darker and darker went...the scientist say they fade into a abyss in their mind... I was scared that day...i never saw her again...and i never will...I then thought of Mitch...he was like my older brother...his golden yellow eyes still haunt me, but in a good way...if i had to choose id rather be haunted by those eyes then live without them...I felt something run down my cold cheek. I lifted my hand and gently looked at my hand...a tear...was i crying?...i sniffled and wiped my eyes. I never thought i would cry...i thought i was incapable of doing so...I looked ahead of me and found i was heading towards the back door. I let out a small hum of curiosity and opened the door. I looked around the outside...i was in a garden. It was a covered garden though...disguised to look like the outside world. Flowers of all sorts growed there...It looked so beautiful!...i looked up as some flowers and plants hung from up above. I heard a soft humming come from near the center of the garden, where a fountain laid pouring clear water. I walked forwards to investigate. I saw a quick flash of dark green and pink head towards a shed. I followed behind it. It was a person, a female. Her hair was a long dark pink which...faded..into...a green...her outfit was a black undershirt covered with a short jeaned jacket and a jeaned skirt. Under the skirt was rose covered leggings. She grabbed a small shovel and turned revealing...deep...green...eyes...My jaw dropped in surprise and so did hers...we stared at each other for about five minutes before she started.."Z-Zahrah..." I stepped forwards, "Orchid..." her eyes teared up, and mine started to as well... we closed the gap as we hugged each other comfortably in each others embrace. Her tears ran down her face as she laughed happily. I rubbed her back, and gently pulled back, looking her in those beautiful eyes. "I-I thought they sent you away..." i said, concern in my voice. She sniffled and nodded, "they did...b-but i met someone who helped me escape..." I titlted my head ever so slightly, "w-who?..." i asked. She went to speak, when the sound of a door opened, startling us both. A tall man came into veiw. His skin was black which had a smoke and a black and torn cape flow behind him. He was extremely skinny and had red mouths cover this body. His head wasn't connected to his being...instead it floated over his 'neck'. He also had horns erupting from his head and from his sholders. He also had a black smoke and torn cape flow behind him. He looked over at us with five red eyes. He spoke, but it was deep and as if many voices where talking all at once, " Z, i need you to come with me..." I shivered when he said my name. I looked at Orchid, she nodded at him and mumbled something, " thats Zalgo...he saved me..." then she smiled and nudged me. I pouted and gave her one last hug, walking towards the demon, knowing he wasnt human. Zalgo turned around, heading back in. I followed behind, wondering how his head floated. I havent noticed that he took me to a black door with a giant white o with a x through it. He opened the door, alowing me to enter. Once i was inside he reshut the door and left. I looked around the room, it was just a simple office. In the middle was a desk and a chair behind it, which Slender sat. Infront of it was two chairs, i took a seat in one. He folded his hands and leaned his elbows on the desk. He stayed silent for a while untill he spoke, 'So im guessing you would like to stay here with us...' I smilply nodded. He nodded back and looked away for a second, 'before you offically become a Creepypasta, i will need you to do some tests...' 'oh god...i never went to school...' i thought. He continued, 'these tests with be involved with training and a test at the end, which would be your first kill, that really depends what happened at the asylum...' he chuckled a bit. I smiled softly and nodded. ' you shall begin these trainings next week and use this week as you advantage, learn some of your fellow Creepypasta's weaknesses...that will help you a bunch...but for now, you have these four days for relaxing. You may continue your recent activities...goodday...' he turned to some paper work and wrote, me getting up and leaving when he does. I made my way down to the livingroom, were Jeff, E.J. and Jane sat watching TV, well Jane and Jeff glared at each other. I sat down next to Jane and sighed leaning my head back. "You good?.." she asked looking at me instead of Mr. Joker. I nodded, "just want to take these, 'tests' and finally get some blood on these cold hands heh..." Jane chuckled and patted my shoulder. " that will come soon enough..." Damn...i hope it does...

~Error holding me~ h-hi my lovelies...i had something happen, but i'll still write for you...im just sad really, dont worry bout lil old me heh... ~sniffles~ um so enjoy this chapter and uh...i love you my lovelies~ Darky Error: Bye...

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