The mansion

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Okay well I'm a little freaked out how it said  when i first made this chapter that i had 666 views XD

i ran and ran, feeling my legs burn with pain. i was still in shock at what just happened. We escaped... I never thought i would see outside those walls and now being able was so beautiful out here! we all stopped when we were a far enough distance to catch our breaths. i leaned against a tree and panted looking up at Jeff and Rake. They seemed happy. Then a stinging and a slight static entered my head, it hurt for an instant , but the pain only grew worse. I hung my head and gripped onto the sides and hissed. Rake took notice and growled, stepping closer to me and looking into the woods around us. "We know your here! Just come out already!" he yelled. That made the static and pain get worse by the second. I cried out, making rake realize his mistake and start spilling apologies. 'Why bring this mortal here...' a voice said in my head, but i was pretty sure the other heard as well. Jeff rolled his eyes, kinda..."Sir she isn't mortal...She has no heartbeat now does she..." Jeff said crossing his arms. It went silent and the static disappeared. I felt a presence next to me, making me shiver. There stood a eight foot tall being, wearing a black tux and a black tie, But he had no did he speak?...He looked as he was inspecting me but without the need of eyes. 'i guess you're right...and she's from the interesting.' He mumbled noticing the band on my arm which all creatures get who have been there since birth. I could have taken it off but i didn't. He crossed his long slender arms across his chest. 'So I'm guessing you need a place to stay...' He asked looking past me at the boys. Rake nodded and Jeff only huffed. He nodded as well then looked down at my smaller figure, ‘You may stay with us as long as you need, and if you would like i'll tell you all about the outside world..’ i smiled, “yes, and thank you Sir.” He laughed, patting my head. Jeff groaned and leaned against a trunk, “Can we like...go now?” The tall man touched my shoulder and motioned Rake and Jeff to him. Rake grabbed onto his leg and placed his other hand on Jeff’s shoulder. Then within a second everything went fuzzy and the ground left us. I started to freak out but everything came back, calming me once again. Instead of the outside world we were inside. I gulped gripping onto the mans slender arms nervously. It was huge! Maybe a bit smaller than the asylum but it still gave me a bad feeling. We  were in a big living room with two red couches, a gray chair, and a giant flat screen television. On the back wall a set of steps went upstairs. On the right side of the room had three openings. Two heading down into hallways and one leading into the kitchen. I stared in awe at how bright everything was. ‘You like it?’ he chuckled gesturing me to sit on the couch. I sat placing my hands on my lap, “this is amazing! Thank you for letting me stay Sir..” i replied happily. He nodded and sat on the gray chair, ‘your welcome, and please, call me Slenderman or Slender.’ My cheeks heated up a bit and i smiled a closed eye smile, “ thank you Slender..” He went to say something when someone ran into the room followed by someone else. A big black and red husky jumped onto the couch next to me and growled with something green in his mouth at the other person. A smaller being, with a green tunic, brown leggings, brown boots, dirty blonde hair, while his eyes were hollow and had red pin pricks and blood running down onto his pale cheeks. The thing in the dog's mouth was a green hat that matched the boys outfit. “Smile that is not a dog toy!” he yelled a bit glitchy while pointing. The dog huffed and turned to my and dropped the hat on my lap. It was wet which made me cringe in disgust. The husky then hopped off the couch and ran off. Once the boy noticed me he tensed up, but followed with a smirk, walking over to me. “And you are~?” he chirped slowly sneaking his hand to the hat and gently brushed it against my leg. I squealed and grabbed the hat and threw it. He huffed and left to retrieve it back. I sighed and looked back at slender who looked annoyed. ‘I sorry about that...but this house is filled with mostly boys...sometimes i regret it...anyway if you’d like, i can set up a cabin in the woods for you to stay in…’  I politely shook my head no, “i think i can handle some boys Sir- i mean Slender..” He nodded in response, then a boy wearing a navy blue hoodie and jeans walked in. His hood was up and his face was covered in a blue mask. Peeking out of the top of the mask was hazel brown hair. I then noticed the eyes sockets of the mask were hollow and a black ooze ran down onto the cheeks, almost like the first boy.  He walked over to slender and whispered something. Slender tensed up and nodded saying something. He man then started back from where he came, but before he left our eyes locked. He froze for a second and so did I. It was a awkward few seconds, which was broken when slender cleared his throat. The man jumped and walked out. I looked back at Slender, “Who was that? And what did he want?” He sighed and stood up, His name is Eyeless Jack..or E.J. for short. He was just telling me my brothers have come..’ “Brothers?” I was full of questions and he could tell. ‘Yes...would you like to meet them?’ Slender seemed nervous, i could tell by his voice. I nodded and got up, fixing my asylum outfit. He motioned me towards the front door, which opened almost instantly. Three men came in, all as tall as slender and maybe one shorter. The first man has a nice brown vest on and under that a white shirt, a light brown pair of pants, and glasses on his faceless face. The next one was shorter but had a merry facial expression. He wore a polka-dotted tux with a red bowtie ,and polka-dotted top hat. Finally the third...Well, He wore a black trench coat and a fedora. His face consisted of a sharp toothed smile that drooled a bit. And he was looking at me...the man bowed, taking his fedora off and looked me in the eyes, “Hello Sweetheart~.” I flinched and stepped back away from the creep. The second one stepped in yelling at him, then smiled softly, holding a hand out for me, “Sorry about Offender, I'm Splenderman! Or Splendy for short.” I liked him. I smiled and took his hand giving it a shake. “Im Z..” He giggled and backed up for the other one. The first man was inspecting me weirdly, He huffed and pointed to my outfit, ‘You do not look good in plain..Im Trenderman..Or Trendy...Give me a call sometimes if you need help with…’ He pointed to my clothes again, ‘That…’ I nodded. I felt slender place his hand on my shoulder. ‘She will be staying with us..Now Offender stay away and don't try anything...ANYTHING…’ The man, or Offender huffed and crossed his arms, pouting. “Can't make any promise-” He yelped when he got smacked over the head, making his hat fall off. He sighed and was about to grab his hat when i stopped him and grabbed it for him, Handing it up to him. He starred in surprise and so did everyone else. I smiled softly as he took it and place it back on his head, “Um..thanks..” He said looking away, clearly embarrassed. I chuckled slightly and looked up at Slender, “Um where do i stay by the way?..” Slender hummed a bit thinking. 'Do you wish to have a roommate or do you perfer to be alone?' I hated to be alone..but I didn't know anyone here.. friends are better then nothing..right?

Here another chapter Oof.. Melinda freaking out still XD I PASSED HUNTERS SAFTEY EVERYONE AAAAA PRAISE ME XD well now I won't (dark: try not to) kill anyone .3. Haha bye love you my lovelies~Darky

My Rotten Heart~ Eyeless Jack X zombie!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now