Chapter 2: Rescue

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Fallout and Onslaught went inside the building through the ventilation system and sneaked around, hoping the gunmen wouldn't hear them. "What do we do now? With all these snotty little brats and this girl, we can't just leave." One of the gunmen said. "Shut up. Let me think." The other one said. "Why are you keeping me here? I don't even go to school here." A familiar voice said. "What? Oh, we have a special plan for you. Now, how do we open your bag? We want to know what is inside it." The yelling gunman asked.

"Why would I tell you?" She asked. Onslaught peered between the doorway to see the hostages and gunman. "Jesse, the girl in there is Sophia!!" Nathan said. "What?!" Jesse exclaimed. "Hey, who's over there?" One of the gunmen said.

The other one walked over towards the door and was knocked to the ground by Fallout's staff. "What the heck?" The other gunman said. "Fallout, Onslaught, you came to help me!" Sophia said. "Sure...let's say that." Fallout said. "What do you want at this school?" Onslaught asked.

"What I want? What I want?! I don't want anything to do with this school. Me and my partner are running from the cops, and we came to this school, and luckily these brats were here." The gunman said, pointing to all the hostages. "Nathan, go outside and get the stealth suit on, we need it." Jesse whispered to Nathan. Nathan rushed outside and went to the back of the school and changed out into the stealth suit, and headed back inside the school, as quick as a ninja. "You know, making your partner run off was great, a mono e mono, one on one, Una en Una-" "Enough! If my partner were here, you would be on the ground, and unconscious." Fallout said, cutting the gunman short. Nathan dropped down on top of the gunman and knocked his gun across the room, when he least expected it.

"And how right was Fallout? I am here and you are on the ground unconscious. So, give up." Onslaught said. "Uhhh...." The man groaned. "In here, officers. Here are the men.” Sophia said, leading the officers into the classroom. "Thank you, Team Talon. We appreciate your help. Now, young lady, we should get you home to your parents." The sheriff said. "No thank you, I will let my heroes take me home." Sophia said, winking at the boys.

Fallout and Onslaught took off their masks to speak with Sophia when they were near her house. "Thanks, guys, I don't know what I would've done without you. I really appreciate it." She said. "We only had to do what we had to do. Listen, Sophia, If you don't want to join the team, then you don't have to." Jesse said. "What do you guys think I was doing at Anthem prep in the first place?" Sophia asked. "Uh.... why?" Nathan asked.

"Because I was trying to change into Ultima. There is no other reason why I would be there." Sophia said. "Cool, well, we have to go, see you in school Monday." Jesse said. "Actually I am going to head to your place in the morning, help with the suits. See you in the morning." She said, then gave each of them a hug then went inside her house. "Dude, that was-" "Don't even say it, that is the closest you will get to her digging you." Jesse interrupted. The two went to Jesse's house to rest for the night.

Jesse slept in his bed, and Nathan fell asleep on the couch. The next morning the two rushed through breakfast and went into the garage to fix the suits, and install the upgrades that Nathan bought. "Hey, boys." Sophia said, coming into the garage. "Hey, Sophia, come to... Whoa! Sophia, what are you wearing?" Nathan asked. Sophia just looked down at her skirt and tank top shirt.

"What, I just wanted to look nice." She said. "You look HOT!" Nathan said. "Give it a rest, I won't go out with you." She said. "Whatever, let's just install these upgrades." Nathan said. "Ooookay, well if you two are down talking, I could use some help installing these goggles into the masks." Jesse said.

The three worked all day on the suits fixing them, and installed the upgrades. "Oh, right, guys, I forgot, today I am going to the Diamondbacks game. Sorry, but I have to go." Nathan said, leaving. "Wait, take the suit. You may need it." Jesse said, handing Nathan the bag. "Thanks, you guys should come." Nathan offered. "Actually, Nathan, that was our surprise for Jesse, he was going to go to the game today." Jesse's dad said. "And I was already going." Sophia said. "Cool, see you guys later." Nathan said, and then left. 

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