Chapter 5: New York City train accident, (Not an ordinary train accident!)

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I am so tired I thought. I have been racing for 5 1/2 months, I am ready to go home I thought. "Hey, Nate, that race back in the glades was soooooo close. You and Jasmine tied for first, let's see who wins here." Sophia said. "And you know what is ironic, Jasmine Korach is our friend from school, and I am racing against her. Thirty laps against her and her only, if I win, I will be crowned champ of the year, and be invited next year to watch the next tournament." I said. "Yeah dude. You have to win." Jesse told me. "I know. I know. I will try my best." I replied. THUMP. "Whoa, somebody is on top of the subway train, let's go check it out, hero style." I said.


We climbed onto the top of the subway car and looked for whoever was on top. "Miss us?" A familiar voice said. "Ninja, not really." Nathan said. "Huh, well you are going down." One of them said. Nate and Jesse brought out their staffs, and I used my hook staff.

We charged at each other and knocked each other of the train and onto the tracks. "Guys, you OK?" I asked. "We're good." Nathan said. I charged at the ninja who was the only girl on their team. "You know, you would make a nice addition to our ninja team. Ever consider joining?" She asked me. "No, and  I don't want to." I replied, kicking her.


I saw Nathan and Sophia fighting the ninja and I continued to fight the ninja and the second in command. "Onslaught behind you!" I yelled. Nate turned around and fought off the ninja that was behind him. I continued to fight the two ninja with my staff when I heard a splattering sound. "Onslaught!!" I heard Sophia yell, I turned around and saw a ninja behind Nate, with their blade staff struck through his chest. "Onslaught!!!" I yelled.


I stood there, with a blade stuck into my chest, breathing heavily. The girl ninja in front of me grabbed the blade and started to push it back out the way it came from. With the transition button destroyed, my suit transformed back into a backpack and I fell to the ground. I looked down at the crimson blood dripping from the hole in my chest. "Nathan?" The girl ninja asked me. "Yeah, why does it matter?" I replied. "Just wondering." She said quickly. "Fallout, Ultima... call... an... ambulance." I said passing out.

Two months later (Nathan)

\Nathan, Nathan, come to the light, come to me./ My great-grandpa told me. \I don't want to, I like living./ I told him. Wait, my great-grandpa is dead, I... I am dreaming. I thought. <BEEP.... BEEP.... BEEP.... BEEP....> I heard beeping. I started to open my eyes and saw I was laying in a hospital bed.

"Where... where am I?" I asked myself. "Your in a hospital in New York." Jesse told me. "What happened?" I asked him. "A ninja stabbed you with a blade staff, we had to take you here and have surgery done to you." He told me. "Where's Sophia?" I asked.

"Instead of you asking all these questions, let me explain everything that has happened in the past  two months." Jesse said taking a seat. "Two months!?" I exclaimed. "This is what has happened since then. After we brought you here, we left, I volunteered as a junior police officer, during my time, we encountered the ninja and one of them sliced off most of my arm. Sophia was in a car accident, and the super cross tournament, Jasmine was crowned winner by default, since you couldn't be there to race." Jesse explained everything else that happened. "Our school was closed down, the city of Anthem completely incinerated. Phoenix in total chaos. Everything because Team Talon couldn't be there." "So, it was my fault?" I asked. "No, it was because me and Sophia couldn't go back." Jesse replied.

"Because of me." I said. "No, Nate. Not because of you." Jesse Reassured me. "Nathan, you have some visitors." Jesse said, pointing out the door. "Sophie, Jessie, Kelsey, what are you three doing here." Sophie, Jessie, and Kelsey are all girls I have gone out with before. "We came to say we're sorry for what happened to you." Kelsey said. "Even though you broke our hearts, I still feel bad for you." Sophie said to me.

 "Thanks, don't worry about me." I replied. The girls left and I continued to lay in the bed resting and thinking about all that has happened since I fainted. "Dude, don't worry about a thing, your family is still alive, most of Anthem had a chance to evacuate before the bombs exploded. Mine and Sophia's had a chance to escape, And still made, just barely." Jesse said to me. "Thanks, but I will be fine, see you in the morning." I said to him, then I fell asleep. The next day I found something on me that I didn't want to find.

Sitting in the middle of my chest, literally in my chest, was a small little device that was pumping my blood. "Doctor, what is this device doing inside my chest?" I asked the doctor. "That thing is to keep your blood pumping to your heart. When the blade struck you, your veins and arteries were destroyed, so this machine is going to replicate your veins and arteries and help your blood keep going." He explained to me. "When can I leave the hospital?" I asked him. "In a few days." He replied looking at my charts.

In the next few days, I laid in bed being a good little boy getting frequent visits from Jesse. "Mister Nathan, you have a visitor." The nurse told me. "Hey, Nate." Sophia said, coming into my room. "Hey, how are you doing?" I asked her. "Don't worry, I have been doing well. After you fainted, I was in a horrible car accident. I was severely injured, but now I have healed and I am back on my feet ready to take on anything." Sophia told me.

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