Chapter 1

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Author's Note:
This video was so sad!!! Naruto had his pain and I wanted to share this video with you all... It was very emotional... Along with the video, one of Naruto's inspirational quotes is displayed above! Preach!~ Anyways, I hope you enjoy the story!


     Sup guys! My name is Heaven Uzume, an average American teenager who lives a life full of fun! Actually, my life isn't what you would call 'normal' and this is my story...

First POV:
I'm Heaven Uzume and I'm 18 years old, a mature young adult mind you! My birthday is on October 10th, just like Naruto's birthday, what a coincidence?! Of course, just the connection with our birthdays just makes me love the anime even better... except the parts where duckybutt leaves Naruto and makes him really sad. I mean look at him, he's your soulmate Uchiha Duckbutt!!! The one that runs after you and wishes you to come back... Geez Emobutt... You're the dense one let's just say that...

     Anyways, Naruto has impacted my life as he taught me to never give up! After watching all of the Naruto series I've have gotten determination to train as a businesswoman to prove to the world how valuable I am. I'm not a piece of trash you can rid of like my parents! I'm a girl with feelings and has a heart of gold! A person who has a purpose within life and is not deemed useless! We people are treated equally either gender, race, or ethnicity! Individuals that have dreams that we desire for our future. Yeah, the past is troubling, but if we put the effort and believe in ourselves, we could do anything!

      'Man, maybe I should become a speech writer. I'm a genius like Naruto making all of these confident speeches and all, ya know!' I thought to myself. "I think like Naruto way too much... Who cares, I'm such an awesome impersonator! Too bad I'm not an actress!"

      'I managed to finish watching Naruto Shippuden with Naruto marrying Hinata at the end! Such a cute couple ~NaruHina~. I knew that they would become one sooner or later. I was happy for the other couples as well. Duckbutt came back to the village marrying Strawberry aka Sakura... and then leaving the village... For a good cost! Ino and Sai become a goal as Shikamaru and Temari became goals too! Other couples became goals, which made my life be filled with content. The shinobi war though was pretty long taking up hundreds of Shippuden episodes... but who am I to judge! Naruto is a great show and Boruto is my next target!

      Boruto is the child of Naruto and Hinata along with sunflower, Himawari! Those children are so kawaii! Sarada though... She was the offspring of Duckbutt and Sakura who looks very much like Ducky.
Not that I'm judging... ~(-)~

      I just recently caught up to all of the Boruto episodes... The show is okay, but the manga is better in my opinion. Boruto seems dorky, but he's more collective then his father though they're both energetic! The show starts with the boy graduating the academy... Just like the (original) Naruto anime. Such good times/memories...

      Now, I'm retiring for the night as a throbbing headache pounds as my stomach aches with pain. I'm not sure why, but maybe sleep could help relieve this pain... Before I could change my clothes to retire, my body begins to get woozy, while my eyesight gets gradually blurry as black dots came into view...

      Being a businesswoman has its perks, but sometimes... It's just too exhausting... and falling into a deep sleep was not how I expected my life to be... What a drag...

(A/N: The artwork in the story are NOT MINE as I also DO NOT OWN Naruto!!!! I hope you enjoy the story so far and please vote and comment!)

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(A/N: The artwork in the story are NOT MINE as I also DO NOT OWN Naruto!!!! I hope you enjoy the story so far and please vote and comment!)


Word Count: 652

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