Chapter 3

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(Note 2: This is one of my favorite songs! Anyways, enjoy the long chapter!~)

{Note 3: I had time in my hands, since I have no school on 9/12/17... (I have middle school homework, but I'm to lazy ta do it...)}


The group of boys took this opportunity to bolt (^~^) away from the she-devil who could've sentenced them to an early death. The girl sleepily yawns as she tries to find the victim and the bystander of the earlier fight.


First POV:
     Those bullies got what they deserved for pushing around the kid with blond hair and the child with the glasses. For a moment there, they surely do look familiar... Actually, this whole scene seems very familiar...

Wait... Wasn't this a scene from Boruto?! Those familiar kids that I aided were Boruto and Denki!!! Then this must be the first episode, where Boruto sticks up to Denki from those bullies. I'M IN AN ANIME!!! Was this the reason why I didn't feel well in the real world? Maybe... But I can't tell them that they're anime/manga characters, so I might as well keep it a secret. I have to keep it low from getting myself uncovered and not mess up the plot, while I'm at it... YATTA! I'M GOING TO MEET ANIME CHARACTERS!!!

After thinking for a few more seconds, I tried to find Boruto and Denki from what I remembered from the anime. I'm an 18 year old that's stuck in anime... How ironic...

I looked down to see if there were any differences with my appearance. Going towards a random puddle on the ground, I first focused on my hands. They seem to be smaller than my adult hands as my height changed back to 5'2, the height of my pre-teen years. My hair was still long, as my (choice of clothing) was still the same.

     I continued my path to find those two pre-academy students, which luck was on my side as I found them above a building. I climbed up the building to see the two introducing themselves as they were giving each other handshakes. I jumped and landed besides the two interrupting their nice little greeting. The two froze in fear as they wondered what happened to those group of bullies.

"They ran away." I replied to their thoughts. I wasn't a mind-reader, but based on their facial expressions I could tell.

"You're that girl who beat those bullies. Where'd you get that AWESOME sword 'ttebasa?!" Boruto asks with excitement.

"Yeah... That is for me to know and you to find out." I responded in a calmly with a knowing smirk.

"I'm Uzumaki Boruto and he's Kaminarimon Denki dattebasa!!!" The blond says with hyper happiness. (I know they didn't introduce their last names, but just go along with it... -~-)

"Hello Uzumaki-san and Kaminarimon-san . My name is Uzume Heaven! Nice to meet both of you!" I say with a small smile.

"You don't have to add the honorifics, Heaven. Just call me Boruto, nothing else." Boruto simply explains.

"That also applies for me too, Heaven-chan. You can call me Denki, my first name. Also, I don't believe that I've seen you here before, Heaven-chan. Are you new to the village?" Denki asks with pure curiosity.

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