Confidence Is Key

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So I'm not sure if this has anything to do with this "book" but I thought I would add it in.

So I ran into my old babysitter today and unbeknownst to her she actually gave me some good advice.

She told me that you can make anything have meaning if you say it with confidence. Even if it may not be true, if you have confidence present in your voice as you say it, you can make it believable.

"I could say 'yesterday I saw this twelve foot giant in the forest. And as long as I said it with enough confidence someone might actually believe me." She said.

Now obviously I'm not saying you should go and lie or anything, but I think she has a good point. You have the power to say what you think and feel and whatnot, and make it have a lot of meaning and actually make people believe what you're saying to be honest. You just have to say it with confidence.

Maybe this might not mean anything to you, but for some reason when she said this it really taught me something.

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