Over Dramatic

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   Please know that if you do not 100% understand how a person is feeling when you are talking to them, please do not tell them that they are being over dramatic and that they need to control themselves.

    Even if the situation is really small and seems like nothing to you, it could mean a lot to the person who is upset.

   Because for someone who has anxiety, being told that I am being over dramatic (even if at times I am being slightly over dramatic), it makes me feel even worse because then I feel like no one cares about how I feel and they think that I'm just being stupid.

   If I come to you for advice I don't want to hear "it's not even a big deal and if you are really gonna act like this you really need to get control of yourself". Like you don't think I feel like I need to get control of myself? I'm balling my eyes out over here trying to calm myself down and tell myself that I'm ok, but I have eight million thoughts running through my head right now. It's easier said then done.

   So please, if someone is trying to talk to you about how they are feeling about something, be respectful. Give advice, try and calm them down as best as you can even if all you tell them is "everything will be fine, you just need to calm down for a minute. I promise you will be ok" or something like that, but please do not tell them that they are being over dramatic, that only makes people feel worse.


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