rolling forward

99 12 33

"at my weakest, in the dark

they came for me like a quick remark

without hesitation, they'd embark

and i'd allow them to drain my only spark:

i had nothing to live for to make such a mark.

all the colours in me vanished, i was destroyed

i can feel everybody leave me, so annoyed.

left like a blank, dull canvas in the void

pieces of my dried paint and ruined brushes to avoid:

i need to continue, even though i'm devoid.

so i'll pick up and paint

to feel more alive than faint.

rebuilding these images with restraint,

a masterpiece coming back to me like a saint

as i strip away my taint.

within this art exhibition

i'm no longer a competition,

creating so much beauty with transmission

onto other vacant portraits in better condition

the system has never seen such expedition.

and that's when i knew:

i'm becoming something new

all my heartbreak is through,

now i can escape from that view

and let my heart grow back in two."

date: 6th october, 2021
time: 16:42 p.m.


it's the end of this "book". thank you so much for all the wonderful comments and votes – it all means absolutely everything to me. honestly. i didn't expect it to grow like this, but it surprisingly did and it's all thanks to you guys for reading my "poems" and sticking with me through all my difficulties. it's been a journey connecting with others; it really showed me that i'm not alone with the way i feel... so thank you once again, i appreciate everything you've all done for me! if you ever need somebody, i'm free & will happily chat with you about anything.

"you are all the colors in one, at full brightness." jennifer niven – all the bright places. xx

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