The Doctors

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After they checked in at the front with 2 woman behind what I think is a desk, we sit down and wait for a doctor to call us. Meanwhile me and Addison are trying not to do anything to upset these people holding us. 1 or 2 minutes later we're called in and brought to a room, then they put us down on a weird chair thing. "Don't move from that seat ok?" The woman tells us, while we're waiting for the doctor. Just as they sat down the doctor comes in and talks to them about us. "Now, time to check on how you guys are doing." The doctor tells us in a baby voice, as if we're actual babies. First he asks us to stand up next to something to see how tall we are, then he asks us to stand on something to see how much we weigh and he did a bunch of other things that I can't even explain.

(2 min later)

"Well the good news is they have no illnesses or diseases, but they are very underfed so you'll need to watch what they eat until they're fully healthy. They are short for their age, but that's not anything bad, Mr. and Mrs. Moroh" The doctor says to the other two vampires. Just as he seemed to be done, he continues by saying, "I still need their names so I can file this paperwork." All of a sudden they look at us, which makes us scared. "What's your names little ones?" The doctor asks us as he puts some paper away. After we answer him in our high voices. I answer his question while stuttering, "M-M-Max." Then Addison answers while also stuttering, "A-A-Addi-s-s-son." "Awww...those are the cutest words I've ever heard." The woman said excitedly. When we leave the doctor they put us back in these weird seats and strap us in them and get in front of us and the male says, "you two were so good in there, I think you guys deserve a trip to the mall for some toys and a teddy for each of you." Then he starts something and we look out the window and see that everything is moving behind us, which makes us tired and we fall asleep waiting to get to this mall he was talking about.

" Then he starts something and we look out the window and see that everything is moving behind us, which makes us tired and we fall asleep waiting to get to this mall he was talking about

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Their car seats (just imagine there being two car seats in the back of the vehicle).

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