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“WAKE UUUUUUUUUUP!” Hayden yelled out while shaking me

“OMG OMG WHAT WHAT HAPPENED” I woke up in shock

“nothing I’m just wanted to scare you”

“What I could have died”

Umm yeah sure well, see you down stairs”


I pulled the sheet covers of my head and moaned but once

Im awake I cannot get back to sleep so I crawled, yes crawled

What if you got wakened up by your brother yelling at you im

Pretty sure you would of done the same…. Maybe….. Anyway

I sat and brushed my hair but eventually I got to my feet and

Changed into my blue skirt and my white shirt. I thought I

Could invite Tyler over to day, so I called her and she said it

Would be ok so she will be coming ova round bout 12ish….

As I went down stairs and again Hayden wearing his boxes,

Like what is this who does that and thinks no one will mind.

But I didn’t want to start a fight over Hayden being half

Naked every morning.  I made breakfast for myself and gave

Hayden a cheeky smile as he walked past. We both sat down

And as always I was the first to finish, I wanted to go to the

Park today with Tyler to just hang and talk about stuff and

 Her birthday coming up. I packed some chips, muffins and

Some fruit. I also packed hot dogs because they tasted good I

Herd the bell ring and went to open it, as on time the

Amazing Tyler was there right on time. I greeted her and she

Came in and sat on the kitchen seat’

“Wow, are we going somewhere or something”

“Uh yeah thought you might want to come the park”

“Oh cool”


But like always when Tyler comes over we watch a movie and

Have popcorn and stuff. She decided we should do it, so we

Would have something to do when she comes over, when we

Were little we always went in the Tree House I have in the

Back yard, which used to have all our drawings, dolls, tables

And stuff. But now my brother has all his posters and skate

Gears and magazines/comics, yeah….. I was getting to old for

 It anyway. As we decided what movie to watch ‘The Last Air-

Bender’ that was one of Tyler’s favourite movie, as I put the

Popcorn on and sat down we started watching the movie

Soon my brother wanted to watch it with us I looked at Tyler

But she just shrugged so I just nodded at him. So he sat down

On the big single chair on the other side of the room, soon

ALL IT NEEDS IS TRUSTDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora