19 0 0

As morning came I heard someone outside so I slowly got

out of the tent trying not to wake Nate up, and once I got out

I saw Tyler sitting around the fire and trying to observe the

heat even though there was nothing there. I just smiled and sat down next to her.   

“how was your sleep?” I asked Tyler yawning

“uh yeah it was alright although I think I was lying on a rock” Tyler said rubbing her back

As we waited for the boys I decided to put breakfast on while

Tyler made the fire. I got the bread and made toast with it

and cooked some beacon which will defiantly get the boys up

for sure. With the smell of the bacon cooking soon Hayden,

James and Nathan came out of the tents. Tyler helped

Nathan with his breakfast while I did my own I didn’t mind I

just made my own and sat next to James while Hayden was still getting his breakfast.

“So James, how was your sleep” I asked him while taking a bite of my toast

“Oh yeah, it was alright, but the tent kept me and Hayden warm so that was a bonus” James replied with a smile.

I smiled back and Hayden was soon to join us. I finished first

Because yes again I am a fast eater and then Tyler and Nate

Sit down I gave a quick glints at them before I started

washing up. Who would knew Tyler and Nathan would get

along better than I imagine? Soon as we were all ready I

gathered everyone and today we are going hiking up a

mountain. Some were excited and well James didn’t seem

that happy, so we got our hiking gear and some lunch and we

were on our way it would take about 2 ½ hours to get there

and back. We all started heading out I was the leader of the

group because I knew where to go, it went me, James, Tyler,

Hayden and then Nate because we all had different passes of

walking. As we all were put of breath we sat down for a 5min

break to catch our breath. We drank our water and as I was

about to drink mine there was nothing in it, oh no! It has a

crack at the bottom, great just great. Before I could ask

anyone for their water Nathan already holding his bottle out

in front of him smiling letting me have some. I smiled,

thanked and drank, but not too much so there’s none left

though. We kept moving until we made it to the top of the

beast. The view was amazing you could see everything, trees

manly. As much as it was tiering we all walked back down

which was much easier, I didn’t lead this time it was James

and Hayden. Nate and Tyler were giggling amongst each

other and I wanted to know what it was about so I jumped in between them both.           

“what’s so funny?”I asked them both

“oh nothing” Tyler said smiling away

just told her a funny joke here wanna here it?” Nate offered me

“sure” I said happily

“why did Mary fall off the swing?”Nate started

“umm I don’t know why?”questioning the joke

“because she had no arms”

“knock, knock”Nathan started again

“who’s there….?”

“not Mary”

We both laughed, I can honestly say that was the best joke

 ever. Soon we arrived it was dark I think about 6:45pm. Tyler

started the bonfire with James and Hayden making something out of sticks while I was waiting for Nathan to get

out of the tent. Soon he got out I quickly called him over

because I need to talk to him about something we both sat down and I started to talk. 

“Tyler is beautiful isn’t she?” I asked Nathan looking at her

“um yeah she’s pretty” he looked confused so I boost it up a little

“she single you know, any guy would be lucky to date he” I looked at up at him, and seeing the look on his face now that he knows what I was talking about.

“you know…Blair…. I am not interested in Tyler at all”

“Oh yeah and whys that, you giggle together, I saw her at your house and ever since her party things happened”

“ok well we are just friends and that I’m not interested in her because she is not you I promise and if something is happening I am sure you will be the first to know”

I smiled and kissed him on the lips whispering thank you as

We both walked over, Tyler asked if everything was ok, and

we both just nodded our heads and we all had dinner and

went to bed. But I still feel like there is something happening

between Tyler and Nathan. But. I need to get some sleep I

turned away from Nate and we to sleep. 

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