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 But the some boys were coming up on their skate boards as

they rushed passed we both crashed into each other and

Fell over laughing, and then the boys came back and helped

us up and apologized, then they were off again. As we had

enough for the day we took the skaters off and walked home

as we were walking Nathan and James were at the skate park

together with Hayden, so Tyler suggested we went over

there. So as we walked over Nathan ran to me and gave me a

big hug and then smiled and waved at Tyler. As we all walked

we sat with Hayden with his board and that’s when it hit me I

wanted to learn how to skate, and become a skater girl, I

asked Tyler and she nodded so I went to look at Nathan with

his board and smiled, then he laughed thinking there’s no

way he can teach me how to skate but I grabbed his board

and helmet and went to the path. Soon Nathan followed why

Hayden taught Tyler, as I stood on the board holding Nathans

 Shoulder and stood up and smiled, then we slowly walked

beside me as I was on the board, then I took my left foot off

because I was going to fall, so then I looked down and went

on again and then looking at Nathan as he again walked

beside me, but this time he walked faster and I fell off and

 squealed but before I could hit the ground I felt someone

 familiar catch me, it was Nathan so I looked at him after I stood up straight 

“don’t worry ill catch you every time you will fall ok”

I just nodded and looked down in embarrassment, then

James came running with the board and started laughing,

then Nathan gave him a stern look telling him to stop it. After

 a lot of practise I finely learned how to skate so did Tyler,

 then we all decided to go home I kissed Nathan goodbye and

waved to James and set off home Me, Tyler and Hayden all

went back to my house because Tyler was staying over

tonight. As we all made it home I put some Tim Tams out just

because we got hungry and I know Hayden was he took four!

as Tyler took two and I took one we went outside and

decided to visit the tree house and we went to the corner

with a desk against it and moved it away and there it was

out names carved into the wood with a heart next to it, we

have done that when we were little. I’m still surprise Hayden

 hasn’t tried removing it, then we heard footsteps coming up it was Hayden;

“what are you guys doing here, this is my tree house now” Hayden said crossing his arms over his chest

“oh yeah we know we were just checking something” Tyler said quickly

“oh yeah what”

I soon grabbed Tyler’s hand and shook my head not to tell him just encase he removes it

“uhh nothing”

“hm ok so can you both go now”

“ok come on Tyler lets go” I told Hayden while walking out

As we went into the living room to watch a move we both sat

Down while I made some Popcorn to eat. It was microwave

 Popcorn so it wasn’t hard to make so it was pretty quick so

We sat down and watched it, after it was done Tyler stood up

And went over to the kitchen and when she was about to

Make it to the bench she tripped over her own feet and

landed on the ground. As I ran over to see if she’s ok Tyler

 started laughing and then I started laughing next thing you

know it were both laughing, she’s such a funny one that Tyler.   

It was starting to get dark so we decided to have dinner

“so what do you want for Dinner” I asked Tyler

“ummm….. I don’t know” she asked looking at me

“well I feel like Pizza”

“yeah lets order some”

As I rang the Pizza place they said it will be 15min pick up

That’s plenty of time, as we sat down we both remembered

that I found the lost photos of us when we were little so Tyler

and I went up to my room. When I got the box down and

placed the old box onto my bed as we sat Tyler opened it and

there they were our memorise of us growing up we took the

first one out which was Tyler and her puppy next to her at

there long lost house, I took the next one and it was one of

Hayden, Tyler and me at the park all together when we both

Looked at like ten we both smiled and laughed at the funny

ones, then I grabbed my camera for a new one of us now as I

went to the camera we went outside on the three seater seat

and took a photo and we added it to the collection. As I

printed it out I placed it in the box and placed it in the back of

my cubed from where I found it.  

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