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One day left until my best friend’s birthday soo keen. 

Well when I woke up I didn’t feel sleepy at all that’s wired

I always feel sleepy when I wake up meh it’s a new day with

New things to come, I brushed my black hair and put on a

Grey top with skinny jeans and white vans it was early in the

morning and if I do wake up Hayden he wouldn’t be as

cooperative so I went by myself plus I didn’t want Hayden to

come anymore so I got my keys and set off to the mall, I got

out of the car and walked into the shops and set off to find a

dress I went into Ice, Ally, Valley Girl, Big W, but I found the

perfect one in Temt it was black and white tight and it was

just perfect. I paid for it and went to Maccas and just got

a coffee for my energy dose, so I went home and Hayden

was finishing rapping something I didn’t know what it was so I went over

  “what is that”

“oh nothing….”

“again with the nothing obeversly it’s something”

“just go away you will see tomorrow”


I walked over to the kitchen and put my keys down and I

know what you’re thinking that’s it that’s all we have to

argue with but I just woke up and just got my coffee so yeah

otherwise I would been full on with that thing, still I did

wonder what he was doing, probably wrapping a gift for Tyler. 

Wired but sweet, so I went upstairs to my room and out the

Dress away in my wardrobe ready for tomorrow so keen.

I wonder if Tyler needed help getting things organise but

She said she was getting stuff yesterday at my house but I’ll

Rock up anyway as a little surprise. I drove in my car this time

Just in case I needed to pick up anything I went in and turned

The music up and drove a short way to Tyler’s, she was up on

The ladder putting lights up for the party as in decoration.

“hello beautiful”

Tyler turned around and walked down the ladder

“oh hey, what are you doing here’

“what can’t I see my best friend’

“ha..ha very funny, I notice would be nice”

We hugged each other and went inside. There were streamers, Balloon packets, Cd’s, cups, food and yeah she

gave me a list of things she needed for tomorrow night on the list it had;

·       Disco lighting

·       More food/ Drinks

·       Smoke machine

·       Stereo surround system

I have most of them and I know James has the stereo

system in the spare room so I’ll drive over to his house first.

I knocked on the door and James answer the door;

“oh hey ill just get Nathan for you”

“oh umm its actually you I wanted to see”

James looked surprised and opened the door to let me in.

“I’m just wondering do you still have that stereo system you got for your birthday”

“umm yeah why, do you need it”

“yeah for Tyler’s birthday”

“oh yeah follow me I’ll give it to you”

  I smiled and we went into the spare room to go get it, I

Loved that room, it’s my favourite room in the house. It

Had a lot of things like well a stereo, DJ set, lighting It’s like

A disco room really to have parties. He packed it up and

gave it to me in a box and we went back to the door, and

then went outside I thanked James and walked into my car

and put the bag in the passenger seat and then went to my

house to get the disco lighting from the attic and put it in

the car, so I crossed it of off my list next up on the list it

was the smoke machine. Fir that I have to go to the party

shop for sure they would have some so I went inside and

started looking for one soon enough I came across one it

was about $50 I am not going to pay $50 for a smoke

machine that I’m not even going to use so I’m going to

leave that on the list. So instead I just got some food drink,

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