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she knows its short but yeah....

Night has come, we all gathered around the fire as James lit it,

You see he used to be in a scouts thing which he learned how

to make fire. Hayden and James sat on one side of the fire

and I sat on the other next to Nathan facing them, with Tyler

sitting next to Nathan. It was a bit cold so Nathan got his

 sleeping bag out and raped it around us two to keep each

other warm. I looked over to check on Tyler to see if she was

OK, she looked warm so that was alright. But we couldn’t

stay up that late tonight because of our big day tomorrow so

we put the fire out and went into our tents, James and

Hayden shared a tent and Tyler said it was OK if Nathan and I

Will share a tent so we all went to our tents Nathan raped his hand over me pulling me closer to him and making our bodies press together feeling every moment and keeping us warm. 

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