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I heard Nathan said quietly ‘morning beautiful’ I smiled and

Stretched a little before I sat up and rubbed my eyes, soon

Nate did the same I got out of bed and brushed my messy

Hair and got changed into the bathroom and when I came

Into Nates room he was already changed so we went down

Stares where James and Hayden were making pancakes for

Themselves there was some mixture left over for us so we

Just used that after we made the pancakes we sat down to

eat them. My phone went off ‘BEEP BEEP’ it was a reminder for Tyler’s part today    

“who was that”

“what, um no one”

“Blair? Is it a guy”

“yeah sure it was a guy”

“don’t play with me Blair”

“ok it was a reminder for Tyler’s part today at 5:30”

Just encase I showed him my phone I wouldn’t blame him for

Him being protective because he didn’t want anything

happening to me, it was kinda cute in a way. After we ate I

packet my stuff and went back home to get my outfit ready

for Tyler’s. I wish I could control time you know to stop time,

to fast forward time and sometimes to rewind time. Anyhow

I laid my dress out on my bed and went looking for some

shoes to wear, I looked into my wardrobe to find some I had

a lot of shoes anyway I found some black ones which were

cute so ill use those ones. I need some jewellery and placed it

on my desk so I can used it. Hayden was awfully quiet for a

boy, so I decided to check up on him and what he was up to,

I went into his room and he wasn’t there so I went down

stairs and he also wasn’t there not at the pool, not at the

front where could he be? James’s house maybe I called and

he wasn’t there ok I’m freaking out where could he be, his

skate board wasn’t here ohhhh the skate park why didn’t he

tell me omg he’s so retarted I always tell him but he never

tells me where he is. Soon I looked over to the fridge and

there was a note saying ‘at the skate park’ ohhhh so he did

leave me a note, haha that’s funny cause I thought, ha yeah,

umm yeah I should shut up now. Yeah um I felt like going to

the beach today and relax before Tyler’s so I went up to my

room and put on my bikini and a short summer dress over it

and grabbed my towel and hit the beach to were to find my

spot under the shade not to be taken which was grate. I put

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