~ Out Of My Mind ~

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Ok part two of this story I'm really sorry because

Wrong grammars

Wrong spellings

But I will fix it i promise because I'm just on my mobile phone so yeah....


Calum's POV

This is just bullshit i should not Fall for him 

First he is a boy

I'm not gay

And.... and.....

 "Cal...  CAL!!"  my thoughts was cut of again by Luke shouting at me

"What!" i shouted back

"I said Sarah is coming here!!" 

"So??" i replied coldly

"She's gonna until tomorrow" he replied

"and?" i snapped back

"She's gonna sleep with me on the bed,  she's a girl so she shouldn't sleep on the couch" he slowly said emphasizing she's a girl making me look like i'm dumb

Luke is my roommate and now he is kicking me out of our room 

Just for that girl 

Well fuck him

"I won't stay here anyway..." i glared at him "I'll be at my sister's" i told him while standing up and going upstairs

I went to my closet to get my bag and fix my things

"Cal?' someone went inside of my— Luke's room 

"You don't have to do this" Luke whispered while hugging my back 

"Do what?" i raised an eyebrow

"Leave..." he replied burying his face on my back 

"Well... it's our day off i need to visit her" 

"Cal... be back early OK??" he hugged me tighter 

"What? why should i be back early, you'll be having fun with your girlfriend" i sighed

"But she's just been my girlfriend for a month" he replied

Yup she is Luke's girlfriend now I don't really talk to her

And i don't really think that she is nice at all

I wish i was his.. no what am i thinking about 

'His'? What?

Calum you're a man 

"it will be fun i promise, you should spend time with her more often" i said while picking up my bag and spinning him gently to face me "You'll be fine here... just call me when you need something.."

"Bye.." i waved my hand before walking out of the room

"Bye." he waved back i don't want to see him like that. down and whatever he's gonna have fun with his girl what would be the problem 

I went downstairs and saw Michael looking through my phone

"Michael!!" i shouted 

"I thought your sister texted you she didn't even called you" he asked raising his eyebrow 

"Ah for the 100th time it's my day off i mean our day off so I'm gonna pay her a visit or else she's gonna come here.." i shouted

"Or... you just want to get away from here because you're jealous of Sarah" he said 

I stopped

is that true? Are you just jealous

That's why you're going at your sister's house

You can sleep here at the couch, but why at your sister's??

"No I'm not why would I be??" i replied letting out a sigh

"Cal just tell me, I know that you see Luke more that just a best-friend"

"I see him as my brother" i replied and sat beside Michael

"More than just a brother.." he called out "You like him do you?" he asked wiggling his eyebrow

"No.." i pinched his cheeks michael stop being so childish

I stood up "Bye Michael good-luck..." i gave him a weak smile 

"What why??" he asked

"You'll be hearing some moans tonight" i waved goodbye teasing him 

He looked at me and just laughed his head off

"you're fucking disgusting ugh, I'm not staying here either.." he replied

"Wait what??" i asked

"I'll be coming with you... i told Luke about this and he's happy about it cause it's just Sarah and him tonight" he chuckles getting his bag 

"What about ash??" i asked

"Oh i don't know i think he went out and he will be staying at Niall's house tonight..." 

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well if you are then thank you 

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