Blast from the Past

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           This chapter has be edited! As usual if you find any mistakes let me know so that I can fix them asap! Thank you! :)

            Neamh fiddles with her hands in the car, picking at her already too short nails. Queen Milis notices this and slaps the girl's hands. She smiles with satisfaction when the young princess folds her hands neatly in her lap. Her eyes roam over her husband's stone still face before finally resting on her youngest child, Nicolas. His head rests on the king's lap and he's snoring lightly. Eric runs his hands through his son's red hair but continues to hide the turmoil milling inside of him. The queen begins to stare absentmindedly out the window at the passing hills and small farms. After her son was abducted the guards had told her that the child had disappeared near the Abernathy woods, the kingdom’s only wooded area. Milis was so stricken with grief that she ordered the woods to be burned- she wanted no more reminders of her missing son. The burned and scorched stumps of trees that used to be were removed and replaced by a grouping of small houses. Flowers, bushes, trees- they never grow in Liam any more. To see nature at its finest in Sahara brings tears the queen's eyes.

            As the car continues to go on down a seemingly never ending road, Milis thinks that after this visit with Queen Vita she'll order more trees and plant life to be put in various places around the kingdom. She smiles at the thought.

            If all goes well these next few days, I’ll have my son with me, in my arms, once again. I’ll be able to kiss his forehead whenever he’s upset and offer my advice when he is confused. I’ll be able to see him get married and watch his children. Neamh will finally meet her older brother. If all goes well here in Sahara, my heart will be at peace.

 Almost as though she senses her mother's thoughts, Neamh puts her hand atop her mother's. Milis looks down at the child and smiles with content. She is proud of her daughter- the queen had done well. The princess is spitting image of her mother with long and wavy red hair and fair skin. She is thin and small- the perfect size in Milis' mind- and she is a beautiful singer. There isn't a doubt in the queen's mind that her daughter will find a husband. As a matter of fact the queen has a few princes in mind that would love to be with the red haired beauty.

            The car comes to a screeching halt in front of the palace. The driver opens the door for royals and Neamh is in awe at the palace's beauty. It is tall- much taller than her own castle- and as white and shiny as porcelain. Milis grabs her daughter's hand and, after a quick ring of the doorbell, the butler opens the door. He is a rather old fellow with slicked back, white hair.

            "May I help you?" He looks at the Liam royals over his glasses, skeptical about letting them in.

            "Yes," King Eric speaks first. "I believe my wife and I have a meeting with Vita and Richard."

            "Very well," he opens the door wider and allows them to enter before shutting the door once again. "My name is Albert. I am the house butler. I will announce your arrival to the king and queen."

            As Albert disappears down a very large corridor, Neamh looks around the room. Three very large statues loom over head, almost seeming to gesture to the next room. The princess wanders forward, curiously looking at everything and memorizing every detail. The short passage leads to a rather large sitting room. Velvet chairs and couches dot the room while a large piano sits in the middle. It is only then that the princess hears the soft notes drifting in the air. She approaches the piano and peers around it to see the masterful player.

            Princess Bellezza jumps at the sight of the young girl. The notes stop abruptly. Neamh moves away with her face becoming redder by the second.

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