Chapter 9

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"-so the Chairman hired Felix and Locus to wipe out everyone on this planet so that it can be his." I finished the super long two hour story.

"That's a great story for a book but real life not so much." Zander commented.


"So what's my role in this?" He asks.

"You get to be our insider." Carolina explains. "Alaska and I can't stay in the Space Merc army for much longer or else they will find out that we are working with the Reds and Blues. It's going to be your job to get us the information of what they are going to do next."

"So basically I'll be the insider when you guys leave." He sums up.

"Exactly." I reply.

"I'll do it under one condition."

"Which is?" Beta asks.

"That you know for certain that we will win." Zander says which makes me laugh.

"Of course we will or we'll go down fighting."


"We are in position." I say over my comm.

"Good. Keep an eye on the Reds. I'll be waiting for Locus's signal."

"Roger that."

I look down and see Felix in the cave Beta and I were in last night. He gives me a fake salute and I return the gesture. My team is stationed up on a rock ledge where we can see both bases. We already witness Wash giving Caboose back his old helemt and all that soft jazz. Then Locus brought in his small army of 4 to attack the Blues and Wash.

"What are you guys up to now?" I whisper as I look through my sniper. The Reds were gathered around (besides Simmons because he was at the Blues for some weird reason) the poorly built Mantis. Sarge started it up and it came to life.

"Alaska. Tell me why that robot is still functional?" Carolina asks.

"Just wait." I say. And right on cue, the robot short circuited and broke down. Everyone looked confused for a minute then looks at Donut and then starts to run towards Blue base.

"Locus, the Reds are coming to assist." I warned him.

"Let them come. The first wave is over and Felix is with the Blues as we speak." He replies. "I'm preparing my second wave of men."

"Alright." I hang up the comm. I still don't get how does someone hang up or end a comm call or whatever it's called. If someone could explain that to me, that would be great.

After a short period of silence, Zander spoke up concerned. "Hey can I see your sniper?"

Usually, no one touches my sniper. But in this case, I let him. Why? I have no clue. He takes my sniper and looks through it at Blue base. "Felix is talking with the crew."

"Beta, try to tap into Felix's comm." I say to her.

"Epsilon, I'm going to need your help." Beta says before disappearing into the radio we had with us.

"It's Church and I'm coming." He sighs and also disappears.

The radio changes a few channels before settling in on the conversation.

"Look Felix, I hate to break it to you, but we're in no condition to fight a war." Wash's voice rang over the radio. It's been so long since I've heard his voice. It's going to be even longer before I can actually have a conversation with him.

"All we want is a ride off this crappy planet. No offense." Tucker added.

"Meh, it ain't my crappy planet." Felix replied.

"Aren't you one of the rebels?" Doc asked confused.

Felix laughs. "No, I'm a Freelancer."

All we hear are guns clicking. Carolina and I look at each other and I smiled. At least they learned their lesson about Freelancers.

"No, I mean, I'm a mercenary. You know, a gun for hire?" Felix stutters.

"Oh thank goodness." Grif says in relief.

"They paid you to come find us?" Wash asks.

"They pay me to do lots of stuff, but, yeah, you're my current paycheck." Felix replied.

"So you want us to go fight someone else's war 'cause then you can make some extra cash." Wash asks logically.

Felix was silent for a moment. "...Uhuh, it's for a good cause?"

Wash didn't seem convinced. "Right. We'll just take that ride out of here if you don't mind."

Tucker's cheer came through very loudly on the radio. "Yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about. Mediocrity."

"Woohoo! Here's to not goin' that extra mile." Grif adds.

Felix sighs. "You know I wasn't alone when I came out here to find you. There were three of us. Just think about that."

He's probably talking about us and we are very much alive.

Grif puffs. "Whatever, it's not like we asked them to save us."

"Yeah, we definitely didn't build a giant radio tower to send a distress signal or anything." Simmons says sarcastically.

"Shut up."

There was silence over the radio then Grif broke it.

"So, what now?"

"Now we work on making this canyon the most defendable hole in the ground the universe has ever seen." Felix says.

"Why." Wash asks.

"Because we're about to get hit, hard. I need a detailed list of the supplies you've got on hand, let's set up choke points and mark potential sniper's nests." Felix orders.

"Whoa whoa whoa, slow down. We're not telling you anything, we still don't even know if we can believe you." Wash says.

"Well believe this: If we don't prepare for a fight, we might as well just be waiting for a massacre." Felix replies to Wash.

"...Tucker, see if you can fix Caboose's helmet." Wash orders.

"Hey, who said that?" Caboose says happily.

"Sarge, you and the Reds build up an arsenal. If we can use it as a weapon, let's get it prepped." He continues.

"I can think of a few things that might come in handy." Sarge says.

"Felix. You and I, aren't done talking." Wash finishes.

Now that's the Wash I know.

"Well alright then. Let's see if you guys are as good as they say." Felix says.

"Prepare to be sorely disappointed." Grif says.

Way to kill the mood Grif. Way to kill the mood...


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