Chapter 18

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Communication Temple

"Attack!!" Kimball yelled.

Soldiers started to pour down the west side and attack the mercs stationed there. The Reds and Blues plus Caboose in a tank were attacking the east side. My squad, now known as NOVA team, and I were attacking the south side.

"Watch your left Sky." I warned him. He looks over to his left and kills the merc trying to get a jump on him.

"Thanks." He says.

"NOVA team, provide Kimball with cover fire so that they can get in." I ordered my squad. They all nod and do as I say, taking out mercs left and right. Soon the mercs retreated back into the temple and everyone advanced forward. I told my squad to stay put in case they have back up arriving.

"Ok Tucker, we are in. Can you make it to our position?" Simmons asked over the comms.

"Heck yea, I've got my own private escort!"

"What?! Seriously?" Simmons exclaimed.

I saw Tucker arrive with Carolina and Wash (he survived and I'm happy that he did) and they started to have a conversation with them.


I look up and sure enough there was a Mantis falling from the sky. 

"ALL SQUADS GET TO COVER." I ordered over comms. We quickly ran behind some rocks and quickly reloaded our weapons. The ground shook as the Mantis made contact and more tanks came in as back up. 

"Engage the tanks." I say as I shoot the gunner with my sniper. Sky gets out his rocket launcher and blows the tank up.

"That was easy." Zander says. 

"It's not over yet." Tom says. Two more tanks comes up behind the blown up tank and starts firing at us while the Mantis continues to kill our soldiers behind them.

I hid behind some cover and commed Carolina and Wash. "Where the crap are you guys?! My team and I can't get to the Mantis in time. We have tanks pinning us down."

"Don't worry. Wash and I will take care of the Mantis. Focus on staying alive." Carolina says.

"Already am." I move out of hiding and move up to where my squad was. I asked Sky. "How many rockets you have left?"

"Two." He replies. "We used them to take out the tanks."

"No, save your rockets. We may need it later for something else." Nicole says. She whips out a sticky grenade gun and stuck the first tank. She let go of the trigger and the tank exploded. Then she did the same with the other and the same results.

"Nice thinking Nicole." I say as we all came out of cover.

"Mantis is down Alaska." Kimball says.

"That's grea-"

Suddenly static came over the radios and Church's message to the UNSC played. I smiled as he spoke about everything Hargrove did and that they should send a ship to help us. Once the message was over, everyone cheered in happiness that our plan worked and that they will be able to finally live their normal lives.

"I can't believe it.. We are picking up a slipspace rupture! A ship is already on its way!" Kimball says excitedly over the radio.

My squad cheers at the news but I stopped them. "This doesn't make any sense.. why would a ship be already here if no one really ever comes by Chorus?"

They all look at me realizing who it might be. A ship emerged into the atmosphere.

"You have made a terrible mistake." Said a voice coming from the ship. The Chairman.

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