Chapter 17

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Crashsite Bravo

I was in the Reds base with my former Merc friend and his team who were hiding from the Army of Chorus. Reason why is that most of the Fed and Republic soldiers don't trust them due to their history with the Space pirates and really want to kill them. 

"This officially sucks." Tom says.

"I couldn't agree more." Skylar agrees.

I sigh. "I didn't expect for them to hate you guys so much."

Nicole puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's not your fault Ghost."

"I know." I reply.

Wash then walks through the door. "Hey 'laska, Epsilon want to discuss a plan to stop Felix and Locus. He wants us to meet on one of the caves." He tells me.

My squad looks at me and Tom asks, "Um, who's this guy?"

"This is Agent Washington. We worked together during the Project." I explained.

"Ohh I remember Carolina saying that he was your boyfriend right?" Zander asks.

I started to blush really hard. Thank God for the helmet. "Um yea."

"Alaska we have to go." Wash says. "They are waiting."

I look at my squad. "Whatever you do: don't get killed."

"We won't." Nicole replies. I nod and follow Wash out. He slips his hand into mine and asks, "Did Carolina really tell him that we were together?"

"You don't want to know." I say.

"Actually, I do want to know." 

"Fine. I'll tell you later though."

We made it to the place where Church wanted us to all meet. Everyone was already there.

"Good the lovebirds finally made it." Church says. "Now we can discuss a plan."


"Alright, then we have a plan." Church says.

"You sure this'll work?" Tucker asks skeptically.

"Felix will have to activate the purge personally," Church explains. "That means Locus will be with him."

"And since they know our target's the comm temple, it's safe to assume that's where they'll send their men." Wash says.

"Wash and I take defense, while the rest of you go on offense." Carolina says.

"Just pretend it's a good ol' game of capture the flag." Church adds.

"You know that we're terrible at capture the flag right?" Grif asks while Simmons follows up with a good point. "So assuming that this all plays out the way we hope it will we still need to take over a heavily fortified alien tower. Anybody else seeing a problem here?"

"We emptied the armory as best as we could," Sarge says. "but we ain't exactly armed to the teeth."

"It's also worth mentioning that half of our army still hates the other half of the army." Doc also points out.

"Then let me talk to them."

Kimball walks up to us. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Carolina asks.

"I am." She says confidently and walks to the balcony. "Excuse me. If I could have your attention please."

"I know many of you don't care for what I have to say, but it's something that needs to be said." She continues.

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