Yin and Yang

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Hey Smiles,

Hope you like it so far, and please don't hate me after this!


Ember's POV

Around 11:00pm Mitchell and Connor finally get home. Connor and Mitchell are being a lot more lovey-dovey with each other too. Hmm, OMG IS THAT A RING!" I run up behind the boys and slap the back of their head, "WHAT THE FUCK? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" Mitchell acts innocent, "I don't know what you're talking about." I slapped his head again, "Did you two get engaged and not tell us?!?" I was upset, we are supposed to be friends, why wouldn't they tell us? Mitchell was rubbing the back of his head, "We aren't necessarily engaged, it is a promise ring. So once we get out of high school I will actually propose." Connor explained. Wait, CONNOR PROPOSED TO MITCHELL. "Boy, why didn't you tell us!?" Connor shrugged, what is it with these people keeping huge secrets then just shrugging it off?  "I wanted it t be a surprise for everyone." "Well, Congratulations. Will we be invited or will you want that to be a surprise too?" Connor shrugged, I'm gonna slap him if we aren't.

Since that conversation was over we started to channel surf. We eventually got to the news. On the screen it said something about a local head on collision.

"On Highway 170 there has been a head on collision with a local under-age drinker by the name of Lucas Colloway and a Robert Payne."

As soon as the reporter had said my dad's name I called my mom, "Please pick-up Mom, Please."

"Robert Payne was with his wife, Caroline, at the time of the collision. Both are now heading to the prep room for surgery. They have a daughter on file that the police are trying to get in contact with, but they are unable to reach her."

"Lucas Colloway is another story. He was uninjured during the crash but is now under arrest for both Illegal consumption and driving under the influence. If the charges get through, Lucas could  be looking at 25 to life in prison. That is if one of the Payne's were to pass away because of the accident."

I was bawling, Eva and all of the guys where hugging me and attempting to comfort me. I finally got a call from the police and all I could do was scream at them. "I had to find out from News at Eleven! If you guys had done your job properly not only would I have been contacted sooner, but my parents wouldn't be fighting for their life!"  I felt that I would regret that later, but I could care less right now. I grabbed my keys and left for the hospital. Eva and the guys got in the car with me.

When we finally got there I was pissed, Lucas didn't get seriously injured, he was gonna get arrested but really? Is that it, he has done so many awful things. Apparently I wasn't allowed to get revenge without there being a high price to pay.  If I want to get rid of Lucas I would loose one of my parents. Is this what Yin and Yang means? Balance between life and death, good and bad? It isn't fair! I wish that Lucas was the one in the hospital bed.

My Parents had been in surgery for six and a half hours. The guys hadn't left me yet and I had been waiting for news, It was 5:40 when a nurse came in with a sorrowful look, "Ember Payne?" I looked up, "Your mother made it out of the surgery." I smiled at the good news. "But I am sorry to say that your father's surgery had had complications. I am sorry sweetheart, He is no longer with us."

I started sobbing. My dad, My idol, the one man I loved, was gone, and he was never coming back. I have lost everything. McKenna was holding me and rubbing my back, when I looked up, all I could see was pity, I hated it. "No Ma'am, you're wrong." The nurse looked confused, "He will never truly be gone. He will always be here," I pointed to my heart, "and here." I pointed to my head. The nurse still looked at me pitifully but she smiled and took me back to my mother.

Is this how Yin&Yang work? To get rid of my demons, I must lose the one I love the most? I am sorry father, I hope that you get reincarnated into the most fierce lion, the one protector of all.


Hey Smiles,

Sad chapter I know but, You have learned somethings about me and Ember this episode, we both believe in the Wheel of Transmigration, AKA reincarnation based off actions of the past.

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