Here Goes Nothing

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Lucas' POV

55. 55 years in this hell hole. And some kids complain about school.

Since Mr.Payne died due to his injuries I got sentenced with 55 years in a detention center. Well, I will be in here till I have to get moved. God dammit, what was I thinking, drunk driving? That's a new low,even for me.

3 days and I am already contemplating life. I was a dick towards Mitchell and Connor, I was delusional for thinking that Ember loved me. She deserves so much better, I killed her dad, and who knows what I did to her mom. I would've raped her if she didn't slap me and run off. I am a monster. I deserve a lot more than 55 years.

I need to call her, Ember, I need to apologize. I need to face the consequences, I need to do what is right for once in my life. "Officer?" he didn't hear me, "YO! OFFICER?!" He looked over at me, "What do you want kid?" I looked down, he was very authoritative. "Can I make a phone call? I want to apologize to the girl that lost her father." The Officer nodded and took me down to the room to make the call. Here goes nothin.

Ember's POV

I have been enjoying my day off with my family. We have watched movies and sang along to songs badly. Suddenly I got a call. I don't recognize this number but I pick it up anyway, "Hello?" There is a lady on the other end, "Hello, is this a Miss. Ember Payne?" I shook my head but then I remembered that she couldn't see me. "Yes this is her." She took a deep breath of relief, "This is the Barry J. Nidorf Juvenile Hall. There is a prisoner by the name of Lucas Colloway that would like to meet up with you." "I'm sorry. Did you say Lucas Colloway?" everyone in the room looks over towards me when I said those words. "Yes, He I stating that he would like to apologize for his actions. If I were you I would come here right way. It is a once in a life time that you can here a criminal apologize." I thought it over, should I? Eh, why not? "Sure, when are the visitor hours?" "1:00 pm to 3:00." I looked at the clock, 2:20, "Okay, be there shortly." After I hung up, I tied my shoes and got my bike keys. Here goes nothing.

After I got there it was 2:50 pm I had ten minutes then I would leave and never come back. I signed-in and the secretary on the phones smiled at me, "So you did come after all." I nodded and an officer escorted me to the visitation room. Then Lucas came in, he smiled relieved that I actually came.

"Hi." So now he was gonna act shy. "Spit it out Lucas, you got 7 minutes." he nodded. "Ember, I know this is gonna sound pathetic but, I am so sorry. I was irresponsible, stupid and a dick. I wish I could go back and get a re-do but I can't. I am not just apologizing about your dad, but also for how I treated you. You deserve a much better life than the shitty one I caused you. I am sorry."

He sounded so sincere. I was looking for the words but I couldn't find any, I was shocked. I nodded, "Thanks for the pretty apology, I wish that I didn't have a sucky life too. I just got dealt a bad hand, but thanks."

Now it was Lucas' turn to be shocked, "You're not gonna tell at me, or slap me?" I shook my head, "You're owning up and that is great but my sucky life isn't completely your fault. It is mine, and my parents, and the universes, but I can deal with it." I stood up, "Goodbye Lucas, hope they treat you well" and with that I left. When I left the detention center I felt a weight getting lifted off my shoulders. There went everything.

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