Chapter 11

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It was Christmas day, I was sitting with Harry and Ron in the Great Hall. Both of them were playing chess while I was sitting next to my brother and watched them playing. The Great Hall looked so festive, ghosts were singing and students were leaving.

I looked toward the big doors to see Hermione walking up to us with her cart, before I looked back at my brother and friend.

"Knight to E-5," Harry said, making his next move. The white knight moved across the board.

Ron tilted his head in thought before smiling, "Queen to E-5." His red queen moved to E5 and smashed Harry's knight.

I sighed and looked at Harry, "You're dead to me."

Harry rolled his eyes with a smile and Ron chuckled. "That's totally barbaric!" Hermione said beside me.

"That's wizard's chess," Ron said as he took the knight away and looked at Hermione's cart, "I see you've packed."

"See you haven't," Hermione said.

"Change of plans," Ron said, "My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there."

"Good," Hermione said, "You can help Harry and Clara, then. They're going to go the library for information on Nicholas Flamel."

Ron looked at me and Harry, "We've looked a hundred times!"

I shrugged as Harry nodded and Hermione leaned closer, "Not in the restricted section." She moved away with a smile, "Happy Christmas." She turned around and walked away.

Ron looked at me and Harry, "I think we've had a bad influence on her." Harry and I exchanged a look, smirking.

I looked back between them, "Hey, do you mind if I'll stay with you guys at your dorm until everyone come back?"

Ron shrugged, "Fine with me."

Harry nodded, "It's fine. Still getting used to not sharing a room and bed with you, tho."

I shrugged, "Me too. Hermione and two others that sharing with me the room, are gone. And almost all the other girls. I feel much better with you two." 

Ron shrugged, "But I'm not giving you my bed."

Harry rolled his eyes at him, "I think she will feel better with sharing mine." I nodded in agreement.


I was sleeping with Harry on his bed when Ron woke us up from the common room, "Harry, Clara, wake up! Come on guys, wake up!"

I groaned as I opened my eyes and sat up. Ava and Hedwig (Harry's owl) were sitting at the head of the chair. Harry grabbed his glasses before we both rushed out of the room and looked in the balcony overlooking the common room, where Ron was standing next to the Christmas tree.

"Happy Christmas, guys," He told us with a smile.

"Happy Christmas, Ron," I said.

"Happy Christmas," Harry said.

I frowned as I looked at what Ron was wearing, he was wearing a purple sweater with an R on it, "What are you wearing?"

"Oh, Mum made it for me," He answered, "Looks like you two got something too."

"We've got presents?" Harry asked as I looked at him in shock.

"Yeah," Ron replied. Harry and I shared a smile before running down the stairs. Ron sat down on the couch arm as we got closer to him and the tree. "There they are." He pointed to a silver wrapped package and Harry picked it up. We both sat on the couch and Harry took the card that was with it.

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