Panter Lily and Tigerette Gigi

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Panther Lily P.O.V
She sat down and started talking and laughing with us and she left the guild and head towards town. I followed and I saw her enter a place called The Meat House . She left and ran into three drunk men trying to attack then suddenly she pulled out her small sword and swung it like a boomerang and it cut all of the men. When she had enter the guild and sat down at the table she pulled out a huge uncooked bloody meat. She seemed to be enjoying it. I walked over to her table and asked to sit with her she said yes. So you like meat, I asked? She said yes it's her favorite food especially this kind. Oh.

Tigerette Gigi P.O.V

What do you have a problem with what I eat , I said defending what I eat and what I like. He said he didn't mean it that way then I got mad and started growling at him about to attack.

Gajeel P.O.V

I saw Lily getting yelled at by Gigi about the food she eats then started growling like she was about to attack him. He tried to say he didn't mean it like that. Levy looked at me and asked should we interfere? I said no because I want to see how this would turn out. Gigi yelled I respect when you eat kiwi and I don't say nothing about it then Lily sweet drop struggling to say something . He is doing a bad job with flirting with her.

Levy P.O.V
I am worried about Lily. Gajeel keeps saying to not interfere but he is about to get attack by her , but as she was about to attack him  Gramps had came downstairs to tell us about the Grand Magic Games contestants.

Gramps P.O.V
As I came downstairs about to mention the contestants for the GMG I saw Panther Lily about to be attack by Tigerettes Gigi. She then stop as I was about to announce the people for the GMG.
The contestants for this year Grand Magic Games are:
Natsu Dragoneel
Erza Scarlet
Violet Star
Gray FullBuster
And Elfman Strauss
As Team A.
Team B will be
Laxus Dreyar
Marijane Strauss
Gajeel Redfox
Juvia Lockster
And Mystican
Everybody had cheered. Although I was worried about the magic Lucy had used . But who cares it's a game so they should have fun.
You have three months to train on the beach Team A and Team B will be on another island.
They all had left .

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