Chapter Five

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Rick kept stalling, coming up with reasons why she didn't have to leave just yet. After they'd eaten their breakfast he suggested a movie which she just had to see if she hadn't already. She didn't know if he noticed but she lied, telling him she hadn't seen it because of course she was stalling too. Plus it gave her a chance to cuddle up with him on the couch, being intimate in a whole different level than they had before, and she loved it. She loved how she fit so perfectly into his body with her head resting in the crook of his neck, and the way his fingers kept on fiddling with her long hair by her shoulders. A part of her told her she couldn't get used to it, that she didn't belong there, but she couldn't help but hear a small voice in the back of her head screaming 'you already have'. Before she even knew it she had spent the whole day at his loft, watching movies, eating lunch and dinner, oh, and popcorn! Also they had kissed a lot, it was as if the thing that had held them back was gone and it didn't go too long between the times their lips connected. One of their kisses were interrupted at around 7pm, when her phone suddenly started ringing angrily. The second she glanced up into his eyes she saw how concerned he was immediately, worried about her. She gave him a sorrowed look before she walked away to find and answer. Upon seeing the number she answered as usual, knowing exactly who it was.

"Nikki Heat, what can I pleasure you with?"

"There you are! We've been looking everywhere for you! Where the hell have you been?! Why didn't you call in last night after your appointment?!" his loud voice almost had Kate pulling away from the phone, her nose cringing at the anger she could sense.

"I'm sorry, there was an incident and I had to leave before I could fulfill the job. The client got too aggressive, I'd appreciate it if you don't ever send any of us over there again," Kate told her former foster father.

"Aggressive how? Can Bianca take him?" he answered and Kate shuddered.

"No, not aggressive in a sexual way."

Kate made sure to keep her voice steady, because she knew if he sensed the smallest bit of hesitation he would send her foster sister over almost immediately to make sure to keep the client.

"Okay. Why didn't you come home then? Where are you?" he was harsh, not that that was unusual, still didn't mean she liked it.

"I'm... at a friend's house. Needed to take a break after the incident."

She hated this. She wasn't really supposed to be at a friend's house, and definitely not at his house.

"Where exactly?" he questioned.

There was a sudden pressure to her shoulder and she jumped at the touch, turning to see Rick holding his hand out where her shoulder had just been.

"I-uh... I'll come home in about half an hour. I'll just assemble my things and be on my way," she said and he kept shaking his head during each and every one of her words.

She put her hand over his lips when they opened, denying him of speaking because she knew it was no good idea to let the man on the other end of the call to hear him in the background.

"If you're not home in thirty minutes I'll personally come get you."

The call ended abruptly and Kate sighed. Rick took her hand in his in order to pull it away from his mouth while she dropped her other hand from her ear.

"You can't leave," he said and she sucked in her bottom lip, nagging the wound she had there with her teeth. "Please. Don't leave," he leaned his body closer to hers and she took a step back.

"I can't stay. Rick, this is my job, my life. I've had an amazing day but... I need to go back," Kate pulled her hand back from his but he quickly snagged it back in his grasp, pulling her towards him.

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