Chapter Six

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"So, what are you gonna do?" Bianca asked, too excited for Kate's taste.

"I don't know!" she cried out with frustration clear in her eyes.

"But you love him?" Bianca questioned.

"Noo..." she dragged out on the word, because how could she possibly know?

Bianca gave her a look before her hands went for the box Kate had dragged out before the blonde had entered her room. Kate observed as her foster sister opened the lid with great care before she gently picked up the picture on top.

"Was this the way he looked at you? The way you looked at him?" she asked and before Kate could say anything she added, "Because if it were, I'm pretty sure it's love. Your parents loved each other, you used to say it yourself! When we first met you were obsessed with finding a love like theirs, what happened?"

Kate snorted, "You know damn well what happened. I got into the business."

"Yes but... that doesn't mean that love doesn't exist," Bianca tried.

"No, but it does mean I can't have it," Kate mumbled.

"But you already have!" Bianca exclaimed.

A beep interrupted them, and when Kate looked at her phone she couldn't help but roll her eyes as she saw it was a text message from him. Bianca just simply smirked at her with knowing eyes, as if the text was proving her point. Kate picked up her phone to read the message.

"I know you said you'd text but I just want to make sure you know I miss you already. Please don't leave again. xx"

Kate sighed with frustration, because she missed him too and she had no idea why she felt the way she did! It felt empty without him. How was that even possible? Why did she feel as though he was the only one she needed? She'd been with too many men to count, and so why was he so different? What made her want him on a level she had never felt before?

"Why don't you go to him?" Bianca interrupted her thoughts.

"I can't B, you know I can't."

"But you said it yourself, you went to him yesterday because it felt more like home than it does here. Go home Kate."

She shook her head, "I can't leave."

"But you can't stay," Bianca insisted and Kate gave her a look. "You can't," her foster sister gave out a frustrated groan. "Ok, look. How about this, I cover for you for a few days and you go home to see what this is. I'm not taking no for an answer!" she added when Kate opened her mouth in protest.

There was a knock on the door and so both women froze at the realization someone else could've heard what they were talking about. Kate quickly recovered, putting the pictures of her parents inside the box before she hid it under the bed again. Her actions only took a couple seconds and once the box was safely hidden from view she told whoever was on the other side to come in. When the door opened it was none other than Margaret.

"What are you two whispering about?" she asked, almost motherly.

If it hadn't been for Kate seeing her as her boss, Margaret could've easily been taken as a mother.

"Nothing, just talking work," Bianca lied immediately, if it weren't for Kate knowing it was a lie she would've believed it herself.

"About the man who hurt you?" Margaret asked coming inside to sit down on the floor in front of the girls.

"Yeah, he's never touching any of us again," Kate said with determination in her eyes.

"Agreed, can't have my girls getting hurt," Margaret nodded.

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