Chapter Eleven

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"We got them."

Kate felt his arms come around her in a supportive hug. It had taken them two weeks, but the sight before her was the most satisfying scene she'd experienced with those two.

"We got them," she repeated his words in a whisper as she let his arms pull her into his chest.

After that beautiful date night of theirs they had started planning for real on how to do things, since there had come a sudden sense of needing to do something now in order to save the poor girl who was now being taken care of by a medic. Kate was thankful for the girl's apparent strength, having resisted Margaret and Tom's 'easy' way into the escort life. She had, just like Kate, refused to do what they asked, which had resulted in the same treatment Kate had gotten. At least the police had caught them redhanded before they could break her spirit. Rick had contacted a few cops he knew and trusted, they had each agreed on meeting with Kate to listen to her story. Rick and Kate had med the cops individually in order to make it as comfortable as possible for Kate, especially since she was very insecure about telling someone other than Rick everything that had happened to her since she was sixteen. Every cop that talked to them agreed to help, and most of them wanted to go immediately, but Rick managed to convince them to wait until they had talked to everyone on Rick's list. Both Kate and Rick knew that unless they caught them redhanded or found evidence there wouldn't be anything holding the two monsters away from being freed before they could get thrown to jail. So, the first week after that date night they had spent talking to cops. The second they had gathered evidence both by taking pictures and, in despite of Rick's protests, Kate had gone in while recording everything they said on her phone.

"I can't believe we actually did it," she whispered and he hugged her tighter.

"We did. And they're never bothering you again," he mumbled against her ear and kissed her temple.

Once Margaret and Tom had been led into separate police cars Kate suddenly remembered something she couldn't just leave in that house. She waited until the two police cars had driven away before she bent his arms away from her, earning a curious look before she took his hand in hers and dragged him towards the house that had been her nightmare for the last couple of years. They had been standing quite a far away in order to not be seen by the foster parents, Kate not wanting them to know it was her who was behind it all. At least not yet, she knew she'd might have to stand up to witness in court unless the cops or court lady would find it necessary.

"Where are we going?" he asked and she bit her lip.

"I need to get something."

Kate was grateful for the cops knowing exactly who they were, since that meant she could walk past without them stopping her to ask her what she was doing. She felt hesitant as to show Rick her room but something inside her told her she had nothing to be scared of anymore. He had been by her side no matter what she had told him, no matter what had happened to her or what she sometimes had been forced to do. Kate led him up the stairs towards what had been her room, and only let go of his hand by the door to be able to walk towards what had been her bed and crouch down beside it.

"There's one thing in this place that's not horrible," she told him as she pulled out the box from under the bed.

She let go of a sigh of relief for it still being there. A couple days earlier she had been afraid that perhaps Margaret or Tom had found it and gotten rid of it, but thankfully they hadn't.

"What's that?" Rick asked with the sooth and curious voice.

Kate turned to him with the box in her hands, a small smile on her lips.

"This is my treasure, I mean," she rolled her eyes at her childish description, "it's a box with pictures of my parents, and a few other things that I managed to kept through the years."

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