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Come on Millie. You can do this. You can tell your best friend how you feel. Go straight up to him and start with;

"Hey Finn! I'm in love with you!"

No, too straight-forward. He loves animals so maybe;

"Hey Finny, bee mine?"

No, too cheesy. How about;

"Finn, I love you with all my heart, would you go to the Snowball next week as my date?"

No, too needy. What about;

"Finn, you are the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen. How about accompanying me to the Snowball chum?"

No, too... I don't have words to describe that. What if-

"Hey Mills!" My thoughts are interrupted by my best friend and crush, Finn, sitting infront of me at the lunch table.

"H-Hi!" I said blinking a couple of times and sipping on my strawberry milkshake.

"What's the matter?" Finn asks as I lay my drink on the table and looking up at him;

"Nothing. Did you do-"

"Millie." He interrupted.


"What's up?" He said, looking serious. I sighed, and looked down.

I wanted to tell him right there and then how I felt. How I've felt for the past 3 years. But I couldn't. I've never had the courage to tell my best friend that I've loved him for 3 years.

"Nothing." I mumbled, still looking down onto my lap.

"Are you sure?" He asked, putting a hand on my arm that was crossed on the table. I looked up at his hand on my arm, and I moved my arm onto my lap, and then looking back at him.

"Yes." I whispered. Finn looked at me worriedly but I just ignored him.

The rest of lunch was awkward, we barely spoke to each other unlike we normally do. I don't know why that was. I think Finn knew something was up, but just didn't want to argue about it.

tell him • finn+millie {short story}Where stories live. Discover now